Leonardo Yovany Álvarez Ramírez, Zulay Flórez Galvis
Se desarrollo un estudio correlacional-transversal que exploro las actitudes hacia la muerte en un grupo de adultos intermedios y mayores con enfermedad cronica (hipertension, diabetes y cancer) en la ciudad de Bucaramanga y su posible correlacion con la edad, el estrato socioeconomico y sus diferencias segun el genero de los examinados.
Los participantes del presente estudio, fueron 200 adultos intermedios (40 a 60 anos) y mayores (60 a 66 anos), 100 mujeres y 100 hombres. Se utilizo el PAM-R de Wong, Reker & Gesser (1987) el cual evalua varias actitudes hacia la muerte (Temor a la muerte:
�¿=0,86, Evitacion: �¿=0,88, Neutral: �¿=0,65, Aproximacion: �¿=0,97 y Escape: �¿=0,84). El procedimiento incluyo la aplicacion individual de la escala a cada participante, con un consentimiento informado previo. Se llevo a cabo un analisis factorial, con una rotacion Varimax de los principales componentes, usando SPSS version 13,0.
Se evaluaron las correlaciones con algunas variables sociodemograficas y las actitudes hacia la muerte usando el coeficiente de correlacion de Spearman y la prueba F para las diferencias de genero. Se encontraron actitudes de acercamiento hacia la muerte predominantemente (transicion hacia una vida feliz) y relaciones debiles no significativas entre estas, la edad y el estrato de los participantes.
The objective of this study was to identify the attitudes towards death in a group of middle and older adults with chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes or cancer) in the city of Bucaramanga.
Additionally, this study aimed at establishing the possible correlations between attitudes towards death and social variables such as age, SES, and gender. Participants were 200 middle s (41 to 60 years) and older adults (60 to 66 years); 100 of them were women, and 100 of them were men. The scale PAM-R (Wonk, Reker, Gesser, 1987) was used to evaluate attitudes toward death. Psychometric measures were calculated in order to assure the reliability of the measures.
The procedure included the individual application of the scale to each participant, after obtained appropriate informed consent. A factor analysis with a varimax rotation was conducted, as well as, an ANOVA�s F test for the differences between genders. To evaluate the sociodemographic correlations, a Spearman coefficient was used. The findings indicated that the predominant attitude was the approach attitude towards death, which indicates that the middle and older adults perceive this event as the transition to a happy life.
Non-significant correlations between the different attitudes, age, and economical state were found.