José Manuel García Arroyo, M.L. Domínguez López
Las nuevas tendencias dentro de la psiquiatría le están quitando a la psicopatología el protagonismo que siempre ha tenido, alejándose esta última de las pretensiones de los autores clásicos que la fundaron como ciencia. En este artículo pretendemos darle su lugar y, sobre esta base, desarrollar una metodología apta para investigar en su campo y que ya hemos utilizado en algunos casos antes con resultados satisfactorios.
Indagar en este terreno nos lleva a la observación y recogida del discurso del paciente en estado natural, sin interposición de nada y sin forzarlo. Ahora bien, la observación implica siempre que quién la realice se encuentre en una posición en la que no pueda «contaminar» el material recogido con sus conocimientos, creencias, valoraciones o incluso preocupaciones. Para lograr esta asepsia, el observador se colocará en una actitud en la que no presupondrá absolutamente nada, al tiempo que se abstendrá de cualquier juicio previo; de no actuar así, lo obtenido será aquello que ya se conoce, cayendo inexorablemente en la repetición.
Lo descubierto tiene siempre un carácter novedoso que provoca cierta conmoción o asombro al ser hallado y su estatuto epistemológico es de «pendiente de asimilación». Finalmente, resta indicar que al material obtenido es po-sible aplicarle métodos formales, pero tienen que ser cualitativos y, para ello afortunadamente, las matemáticas modernas cuentan con numerosos modos de trabajar de este tipo
The current trends in psychiatry are taking off the psychopathology the leadership that it always has had, to distance themselves from the classical pretensions of the authors who founded it as a science. In this work we try to give it its place, so we are developing the methodology which should be used in order to examine the psychic symptoms, used previously by us with satisfactory results.
In order to investigate in this field we are led to the observation and collection of the patient’s speech in this natural environment, without being forced to express himself.
Now then, observation implies for the person who is taking it to remain in an objective position in order to not «infect» the research by being influenced by his knowledge, beliefs, evaluation or even his worries. In order to achieve this purification the observer will place himself in a distant position in which he will not assume anything, avoiding at the same time giving an early verdict; the consequences of not acting like that is coming back to what is already known, that is, returning inevitably to repetition. It is added to the matter that the research this study is based on is complex as well as having to divide it into small pieces; this is something which happens in a spontaneous manner when the act of speaking takes place, since any given speech proposes a peculiar characteristic of the issue.
What is discovered has an innovative quality that may provoke either shock or astonishment once it is found out and whose statute is «waiting for assimilation».
Eventually, needless to say that the formal methods can be applied to the obtained material in this research, but it is important to clarify these need to be qualitative too. For that reason, fortunately, modern mathematics rely on diverse ways which deal with this type of methods.