La conducta agresiva entre estudiantes, mental o física, guiado por una persona o por un grupo y dirigida contra otro que no puede o no es capaz de defenderse, puede adoptar varias formas, o bien directa a través de manifestaciones físicas (atacar a los demás, robar o dañar sus pertenencias) o verbales (insultar, poner motes, contestar en tono desafiante) , o bien de forma indirecta mediante la propagación de rumores peyorativos, exclusión social, etc. En este artículo se muestran cuáles son los roles que adoptan el agresor y la víctima respectivamente, los sentimientos que se generan y cómo evolucionan las conductas agresivas entre los dos grupos de escolares objeto del estudio:
el primero formado por alumnos de lª a 4ª de primaria y el segundo por alumnos de 5 y 6~ de primaria, secundaria, bachillerato, ciclos formativos y garantía social.
Physical or mental aggressive behaviour among students, led by either one person or a group, against someone who can not or is not able to face up to it, may adopt different attitudes: a direct one implying either physical manifestations such as attacks, thefts or destruction of personal possessions or verbal manifestations such as insults, menacing tone or use of pejorative nicknames and an indirect one spreading negative rumours, social exclusion etc. This article shows the different roles adopted by the aggressor and the victim, as well as the feelings that are generated. It also analyses the way aggressive behaviour develops among the two school groups object of this study: the first one including primary pupils from 1st to 4th year and the second including primary pupils from 5th to 6th year, secondary and high school pupils as well as students following educational cycles or social guarantee programmes.