Analysis of the role of motivating operations in the therapeutic verbal interaction
Víctor Estal Muñoz, Natalia Andrés López, Gladis Pereira Xavier, Elena Gálvez Delgado, María Xesús Froxán Parga
págs. 167-175
Rosa María Rodríguez Bailón, Ana Judit Fernández Solano, Laura Vidaña Moya, José Antonio Merchán Baeza, Ellen Cruyt, Miet De Letter, Peter Vlerick, Patrick Calders, Robby De Pauw, Kristine Oostra, Arnaud Szmalec, Dominique Van de Velde, Patricia De Vriendt
págs. 176-187
Impact of mental health problems and social support on sleep quality: follow-up before and during the first eight months of the COVID-19 pandemicin Chilean university students
Zayra Antúnez, Rodrigo C. Vergara, Álvaro Ignacio Langer Herrera, Jorge Santander López, Tomas Baader, Catalina Álamo Palma, Mónica Arce, Bárbara Delgado Sánchez, Karen Laurin, Catalina Moncada
págs. 188-196
Impact of mental health problems and social support on sleep quality: Follow-up before and during the first eight months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Chilean university students
Zayra Antúnez, Rodrigo Clemente Vergara Ortuzar, Álvaro Ignacio Langer Herrera, Jorge Santander López, Tomas Baader, Catalina Álamo Palma, Mónica Arce, Bárbara Delgado Sánchez, Karen Laurin, Catalina Moncada
págs. 188-196
págs. 197-206
Margarida Jarego, Alexandra Ferreira Valente, Rui Miguel Costa, Mafalda Tavares, José Luis Pais Ribeiro
págs. 207-222
págs. 223-230
págs. 231-238
págs. 239-251
Evidence for the validity of the Teachers’ Sense of Self-Efficacy Scale in a Spanish sample
José Antonio Bueno Álvarez, Margarita Martín Martín, Enrique Navarro Asencio, Inmaculada Asensio Muñoz
págs. 252-264
págs. 265-272
págs. 265-272
Eudaimonic well-being and mindfulness meditation in the workplace: a systematic review
Isaac Carmona Rincón, Azucena García Palacios, Santiago Segovia Vázquez
págs. 273-286
The social perspective of euthanasia in Spain: variables that predict attitudes towards euthanasia
Pilar Montañés Muro, Mª Eugenia Soriano, Guadalupe Manzano García
págs. 287-293
Future expectations of adolescents from different social backgrounds
Pilar Fornell Lacida, Amaranta Ortiz Bermúdez, Álvaro Rodríguez Mora, Laura Verdugo Ramírez, Yolanda Sánchez Sandoval
págs. 294-303
Revisiting the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory’s Adolescent and Brief Versions: problems, solutions, and considerations
Joel Juarros Basterretxea, Nadia Yazmín Ocampo Álvarez, José Luis Rojas-Solís, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Díaz, Eduardo García Cueto
págs. 304-313
págs. 314-320
págs. 321-331
Robustness of Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Split-Plot Designs with Binary Data
Roser Bono Cabré, Rafael Alarcón Postigo, Jaume Arnau Gras, Fernando Javier García de Castro, María José Blanca Mena
págs. 332-343