Parental influences on student motivation, affect and academic behaviour: Introduction to the Special Issue
Eleftheria Gonida, Tim Urdan
págs. 3-6
Students’ perceptions of family influences on their academic motivation: A qualitative analysis
Tim Urdan, Monica Solek, Erin Schoenfelder
págs. 7-11
Perceptions of parent goals and their contribution to student achievement goal orientation and engagement in the classroom: Grade-level differences across adolescence
Eleftheria Gonida, Grigoris Kiosseoglou, Katerina Voulala
págs. 23-39
The role of parenting self-efficacy in childrenś social and academic behavior
Niina Junttila, Marja Vauras, Eero Laakkonen
págs. 41-61
Quality of parental support and students’ emotions during homework: Moderating effects of students’ motivational orientations
Martin Knollmann, Elke Wild
págs. 63-76
Scaffolding interaction in parent-child dyads: Multimodal analysis of parental scaffolding with task and non-task oriented children
Pekka Salonen, Janne Lepola, Marja Vauras
págs. 77-96