Attitudes towards saving water, household structural characteristics and water consumption
Francisco José Sarabia Sánchez, Carla Rodríguez-Sánchez
págs. 115-137
Adriana Jakovcevic, Julián Ferreiro, Pablo Fernando Páramo Bernal, Alba Mustaca
págs. 139-166
Place identity, place attachment and the scale of place: The impact of place salience
Fátima Bernardo, José Palma Oliveira
págs. 167-193
A bibliometric review of the first thirty years of the Journal of Environmental Psychology
Taciano L. Milfont, Esther Page
págs. 195-216
Book review The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology (S. Clayton, Ed., 2012)
Víctor Corral Verdugo
Es reseña de:
The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology
Susan D. Clayton
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 28/09/2012
págs. 217-224