Can an early mathematical intervention boost the progress of children in kindergarten?: A field experiment
Céline Darnon, Michel Fayol
págs. 1-18
Which skills predict computational estimation?: A longitudinal study in 5- to 7-year-olds
Elke Sekeris, Lieven Verschaffel, Koen Luwel
págs. 19-38
Markus Wolfgang Hermann Spitzer
págs. 39-53
Children’s participation and agency in Italian residential care for children: Adult-child interactions at dinnertime
Marzia Saglietti, Cristina Zucchermaglio
págs. 55-83
The effect of autonomy-supportive climate in a second chance programme for at-risk youth on dropout risk: The mediating role of adolescents’ sense of authenticity
Batel Gueta, Izhak Berkovich
págs. 85-100
Students’ attitudes towards performance heterogeneity and their relation to contextual factors
Stefanie Dotzel, Meike Bonefeld, Karina Karst
págs. 101-121
págs. 123-140
The development of students’ achievement emotions after transition to secondary school: A multilevel growth curve modelling approach
Simon Meyer, Juliane Schlesier
págs. 141-161
Marcel Mierwald, Thomas Lehmann, Nicola Brauch
págs. 163-184
A latent profile analysis of teachers’ causal attribution for academic success or failure
Laurent Brun, Benoît Dompnier, Pascal Pansu
págs. 185-206
Optimal educational climate among students at risk: The role of teachers’ work attitudes
Anat Freund, Amit Zriker, Zehava Sapir
págs. 207-226
Patterns of motivating teaching behaviour and student engagement: A microanalytic approach
Miriam Cents-Boonstra, Anna Lichtwarck-Aschoff, Mayra Mascareño Lara, Eddie Denessen
págs. 227-255
Psychological modeling of preservice science teachers’ argumentativeness, achievement goals, and epistemological beliefs: A mixed design
Mehmet Demirbag, Eralp Bahcivan
págs. 257-278
Science knowledge and trust in medicine affect individuals’ behavior in pandemic crises
Michael Sailer, Matthias Stadler, Elouise Botes, Frank Fischer, Samuel Greiff
págs. 279-292