Humanizing and conducive to learning: An adolescent students’ perspective on the central attributes of positive relationships with teachers
Irene García Moya, Fiona Brooks, María del Carmen Moreno Rodríguez
págs. 1-20
Linking academic performance to optimistic attributional style: Attributions following positive events matter most
Tamara Gordeeva, Kennon M. Sheldon, Oleg Sychev
págs. 21-48
Parenting styles and academic achievement of early adolescent girls in Iran: Mediating roles of parent involvement and self-regulated learning
Malahat Amani, Morteza Nazifi, Nadia Sorkhabi
págs. 49-72
Effects of social and individual school self-concepts on school engagement during adolescence
Olga Bakadorova, Rebecca Lazarides, Diana Raufelder
págs. 73-91
Lauren Kavanagh
págs. 93-109
Effect of Key2Teach on Dutch teachers’ relationships with students with externalizing problem behavior: A randomized controlled trial
Kirsten Hoogendijk, Judith G. Holland, Nouchka T. Tick, Adriaan W.H. Hofman, Sabine Severiens, Patricia Vuijk, Athanasios Maras, Dolf Van Veen
págs. 111-135
Improving children’s textual competence in kindergarten through genre awareness
Giuliana Pinto, Christian Tarchi, Lucia Bigozzi
págs. 137-154
“When I’m drawing, I see pictures in my head.”: Secondary school students constructing an image of the past by means of a drawing task and a writing task
Tessa de Leur, Carla Van Boxtel, Arie Wilschut
págs. 155-175
The teacher as an island?: A mixed method study on the relationship between autonomy and collaboration
Katrien Vangrieken, Eva Kyndt
págs. 177-204
Sabine Schweder
págs. 205-223
How does task switching affect arithmetic strategy use in children with low mathematics achievement?: Evidence from computational estimation
Hongxia Li, Xiaoteng Hua, Yalin Yang, Bijuan Huang, Jiwei Si
págs. 225-240