Maybe they’re born with it, or maybe it’s experience: Toward a deeper understanding of the learning style myth
Shaylene E. Nancekivell, Priti Shah, Susan A. Gelman
págs. 221-235
Implementation matters: Using complier average causal effect estimation to determine the impact of the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) curriculum on children’s quality of life
Margarita Panayiotou, Neil Humphrey, Alexandra Hennessy
págs. 236-253
Do measures of cognitive load explain the spatial split-attention principle in multimedia learning environments?: A systematic review
Noah L. Schroeder, Ada T. Cenkci
págs. 254-270
The Conscientiousness × Interest Compensation (CONIC) model: Generalizability across domains, outcomes, and predictors
Juyeon Song, Hanna Gaspard, Benjamin Nagengast, Ulrich Trautwein
págs. 271-286
“Sex differences in mathematics anxiety and attitudes: Concurrent and longitudinal relations to mathematical competence”: Correction to Geary et al. (2019)
pág. 287
The role of representational system in relational reasoning
Alexa M. Kottmeyer, Peggy N. Van Meter, Claire E. Cameron
págs. 288-307
Martin Guhn, Scott D. Emerson, Peter Gouzouasis
págs. 308-328
A population-level analysis of associations between school music participation and academic achievement": Correction to Guhn, Emerson, and Gouzouasis (2019)
pág. 328
At-scale, state-sponsored language and literacy professional development: Impacts on early childhood classroom practices and children’s outcomes
Shayne B. Piasta, Kristin S. Farley, Susan A. Mauck, Pamela Soto Ramírez, Rachel E. Schachter, Ann A. O'Connell, Laura M. Justice, Caitlin F. Spear, Melissa Weber Mayrer
págs. 329-343
The ups and downs of reading across content areas: The association between instruction and fluctuations in reading motivation
Sabina Rak Neugebauer, Allison F. Gilmour
págs. 344-363
Fani Lauermann, Anja Meißner, Ricarda Steinmayr
págs. 364-383
Don’t eliminate the negative: influences of negative number magnitude knowledge on algebra performance and learning
Laura K. Young, Julie L. Booth
págs. 384-396
Fabian Wolff, Friederike Helm, Fynn Junge, Jens Möller
págs. 397-415