Towards an ICF Core Set for functioning assessment in severe mental disorders: Commonalities in bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia
Georgina Guilera Ferré, Oscar Pino López, M. Teresa Barrios Cerrejón, Emilio Rojo Rodés, Eduard Vieta i Pascual, Juana Gómez Benito
págs. 7-14
Risk factors for being a victim of online grooming in adolescents
Konstanze Schoeps, Montserrat Peris Hernández, Maite Garaigordobil Landazabal, Inmaculada Montoya Castilla
págs. 15-23
Executive impairments in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A systematic review with emotional and non-emotional paradigms
María Tubío Fungueiriño, Montserrat Fernández Prieto, Sandra Carvalho, Jorge Leite, Ángel Carracedo Álvarez, Óscar F Gonçalves
págs. 24-32
Aitana Gomis Pomares, Lidón Villanueva Badenes
págs. 33-39
María García Jiménez, María Jesús Cala Carrillo, María Eva Trigo Sánchez, Esther Barberá Heredia
págs. 40-46
Social and emotional competencies and empathy as predictors of literacy competence
Vicente J. Llorent García, Antonio Luis González Gómez, David P. Farrington, Izabela Zych
págs. 47-53
Memory for future actions: The effect of prospective memory on an explicit and implicit memory task
Fabrissio Grandi, José María Ruiz Sánchez de León
págs. 54-59
Promoting healthy eating by enhancing the correspondence between attitudes and behavioral intentions
Blanca Requero, Pablo Briñol Turnes, Lorena Moreno Samaniego, Borja Paredes Sansinenea, Beatriz Gandarillas Gutiérrez
págs. 60-66
A systematic review of acute exercise as a coadjuvant treatment of ADHD in young people
Roberto Villa González, Lorena Villalba Heredia, Irene Crespo Gómez, Miguel del Valle Soto, Hugo Olmedillas Fernández
págs. 67-74
Reading fluency and reading comprehension in Spanish secondary students
Marta Álvarez Cañizo, Elena Cueva, Fernando Cuetos Vega, Paz Suárez Coalla
págs. 75-83
Predicting academic achievement in adolescents: The role of maturity, intelligence and personality
Fàbia Morales Vives, Elisa Camps Ribas, Jorge Manuel Dueñas Rada
págs. 84-91
Number processing skill trajectories in children with specific language impairment
Cristina Rodríguez Rodríguez, Sandra González, Christian Peake, Felipe Sepúlveda-López, Juan Andrés Hernández Cabrera
págs. 92-99
The role of social support in school adjustment during Secondary Education
Oihane Fernández Lasarte, Estíbaliz Ramos Díaz, Eider Goñi Palacios, Arantzazu Rodríguez Fernández
págs. 100-107
To reverse or to not reverse Likert-type items: That is the question
Andreu Vigil i Colet, David Navarro González, Fàbia Morales Vives
págs. 108-114
Specification issues in nonlinear SEM: The moderation that wasn’t
Karina Rodriguez Navarro, Fan Yang Wallentin
págs. 115-121
Estimation approaches in cognitive diagnosis modeling when attributes are hierarchically structured
Lokman Akbay, Jimmy de la Torre
págs. 122-129
A Spanish adaptation of the mindfulness in parenting questionnaire
Izaskun Orue Sola, Esther Calvete Zumalde, Liria Fernández González, Estíbaliz Royuela Colomer, Nerea Cortazar Enciondo, Joana Gómez Odriozola
págs. 130-137
Attachment style and prenatal expectations from a Bayesian perspective
Nour Zak, Ana María Ruiz-Ruano García, Jorge López Puga
págs. 138-144
Adaptation of the Accommodation among Romantic Couples Scale (ARCS) to the Spanish Population
Inmaculada Valor Segura, Marta Garrido Macías, Luis Manuel Lozano Fernández
págs. 145-152
Validation of the spanish version of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire in adolescents
María Teresa Chamizo Nieto, Lourdes Rey Peña, Nicolás Sánchez Álvarez
págs. 153-159
La nueva biología de la mente: book review
Natalia Arias del Castillo
Es reseña de:
La nueva biología de la mente: qué nos dicen los trastornos cerebrales sobre nosotros mismos
Eric R. Kandel
Paidós Ibérica, 2019. ISBN 978-84-493-3565-5
págs. 161-162