Paul R. Pintrich
págs. 667-686
Do Multiple Dimensions of Self-Concept Become More Differentiated With Age?: The Differential Distinctiveness Hypothesis.
Herbert W. Marsh, Violaine Ayotte
págs. 687-706
The Development of Comprehension of Main Ideas in Narratives: Evidence From the Selection of Titles.
Paul van den Broek, Julie S. Lynch, Jan Naslund, Carolyn E. Ievers Landis, Kees Verduin
págs. 707-718
Sources of Individual Differences in Reading Comprehension and Reading Fluency.
Joseph R. Jenkins, Lynn S. Fuchs, Paul van den Broek, Christine Espin, Stanley L. Deno
págs. 719-729
William Nagy, Virginia W. Berninger, Robert D. Abbott, Katherine Vaughan, Karin Vermeulen
págs. 730-742
Morphological awareness uniquely predicts young children's Chinese character recognition.
Catherine McBride-Chang, Hua Shu, Aibao Zhou, Chun Pong Wat, Richard K. Wagner
págs. 743-751
Morphological Development in Children's Writing.
Laura Green, Deborah McCutchen, Catherine Schwiebert, Tom Quinlan, Amy Eva Wood, J. Juelis
págs. 752-761
Aiding Transfer in Statistics: Examining the Use of Conceptually Oriented Equations and Elaborations During Subgoal Learning.
Robert K. Atkinson, Richard Catrambone, Mary Margaret Merrill
págs. 762-773
Transitioning From Studying Examples to Solving Problems: Effects of Self-Explanation Prompts and Fading Worked-Out Steps.
Robert K. Atkinson, Alexander Renkl, Mary Margaret Merrill
págs. 774-783
The Processes by Which Perceived Autonomy Support in Physical Education Promotes Leisure-Time Physical Activity Intentions and Behavior: A Trans-Contextual Model.
Martin S. Hagger, Nikos L.D. Chatzisarantis, Trudi Culverhouse, J. H. Stuart
págs. 784-795
Do High-Achieving Female Students Underperform in Private?: The Implications of Threatening Environments on Intellectual Processing.
Michael Inzlicht, Talia Ben-Zeev
págs. 796-805
Multimedia Learning in an Interactive Self-Explaining Environment: What Works in the Design of Agent-Based Microworlds?
Richard E. Mayer, Gayle T. Dow, Sarah Mayer
págs. 806-812
When Teachers' and Parents' Values Differ: Teachers' Ratings of Academic Competence in Children From Low-Income Families.
Penny Hauser Cram, Selcuk R. Sirin, Deborah Stipek
págs. 813-820
Efficacy Beliefs as Determinants of Teachers' Job Satisfaction.
Gian Vittorio Caprara, Claudio Barbaranelli, Laura Borgogni, Patrizia Steca
págs. 821-832
Three Facets of Visual and Verbal Learners: Cognitive Ability, Cognitive Style, and Learning Preference.
Richard E. Mayer, Laura Massa
págs. 833-846