Prevention of recurrent suicidal behavior: Case management and psychoeducation
Sergio Fernández Artamendi, Susana Al-Halabi Díaz, Patricia Burón Fernández, Julia Rodríguez Revuelta, Marlén Garrido, Leticia González Blanco, María Paz García Portilla González, Pilar Alejandra Saiz Martínez, Julio Bobes García
págs. 107-113
Preventing cognitive decline in chronic schizophrenia: Long-term effectiveness of integrated psychological therapy and emotional management training
María Ruiz Iriondo, Karmele Salaberría Irízar, Rocío Polo López, Álvaro Iruín, Enrique Echeburúa Odriozola
págs. 114-120
Reduction of sexist attitudes, romantic myths, and aggressive behaviors in adolescents: Effi cacy of the DARSI program
Laura Carrascosa Iranzo, María Jesús Cava Caballero, Sofía Buelga Vázquez, Saul Neves de Jesus
págs. 121-127
Sociodemographic variables, risk factors, and protective factors contributing to youth recidivism
Lidón Villanueva Badenes, Selene Valero Moreno, Keren Cuervo, Vicente Javier Prado Gascó
págs. 128-133
Pedro José Horcajo Gil, José Luis Graña Gómez, Natalia Redondo Rodríguez
págs. 134-141
Daniel Rodríguez Rodríguez, Remedios Guzmán Rosquete
págs. 142-148
The subjective well-being of children in kinship care
Joan Llosada Gistau, Ferran Casas Aznar, Carme Montserrat Boada
págs. 149-155
Individual differences in general and specifi c cognitive precursors in early mathematical learning
Estíbaliz Aragón Mendizábal, Gamal Cerda Etchepare, Cándida Delgado Casas, Manuel Aguilar Villagrán, José Ignacio Navarro Guzmán
págs. 156-162
José Antonio Cecchini Estrada, Carmen González González de Mesa, Roberto Llamedo Suárez, Beatriz Sánchez Martínez, Celestino Rodríguez Pérez
págs. 163-169
Differential efficacy of the resources used in B-learning environments
María Consuelo Sáiz Manzanares, César García Osorio, José Francisco Díez Pastor
págs. 170-178
Transcranial direct current stimulation treatment in chronic after-stroke dysphagia: A clinical case
Ana Sánchez Kuhn, Yasmina Medina, Martín García Pérez, Pilar de Haro, Pilar Flores Cubos, F. Sánchez Santed
págs. 179-183
In memoriam of Marvin Zuckerman: His impact on Spanish Psychology
Antón Aluja Fabregat
págs. 184-193
An ecological view of measurement: Focus on multilevel model explanation of differential item functioning
Pamela Woitschach, B. D. Zumbo, Rubén Fernández Alonso
págs. 194-203
Spanish version of the Facebook Intrusion Questionnaire (FIQ-S)
Rebecca Bendayan, María José Blanca Mena
págs. 204-209
Spanish validation of the Aberrant Salience Inventory in a general adolescent population
Sandra Fernández León, Cristina Senín Calderón, María Isabel Gutiérrez López, Juan Francisco Rodríguez Testal
págs. 210-217