Differential Associations of Distinct Forms of Childhood Adversity With Neurobehavioral Measures of Reward Processing: A Developmental Pathway to Depression.
Meg J. Dennison, Maya L. Rosen, Kelly A. Sambrook, Jessica L. Jenness, Margaret A. Sheridan, Katie A. McLaughlin
págs. 96000-113000
Xi Chen, Nancy L. McElwain, Jennifer E. Lansford
págs. 114000-131000
Our Buddies, Ourselves: The Role of Sexual Homophily in Adolescent Friendship Networks.
Sarah L. Trinh, Jaemin Lee, Carolyn Tucker Halpern, James Moody
págs. 132000-147000
From Exploration to Instruction: Children Learn From Exploration and Tailor Their Demonstrations to Observers' Goals and Competence.
Hyowon Gweon, Laura E. Schulz
págs. 148000-164000
The Role of Mothers' Child-Based Worth in Their Affective Responses to Children's Performance.
Eva M. Pomerantz, Ciping Deng, Florrie Fei-Yin Ng, Shui-Fong Lam
págs. 165000-181000