Contextual Performance in Academic Settings: The role of personality, self-efficacy, and impression management
Naira Delgado Rodríguez, Estefanía Hernández Fernaud, Christian Rosales Sánchez, Luis Fernando Díaz Vilela, María Rosa Isla Díaz, María Dolores Díaz Cabrera
págs. 63-68
Employee Well-being and Life Satisfaction in Argentina: The contribution of psychological detachment from work
Leonardo Adrián Medrano, Mario A. Trógolo
págs. 69-81
Machiavellianism, Job Autonomy, and Counterproductive Work Behaviour among Indian Managers
Usama Rehman, M. G. Shahnawaz
págs. 83-88
Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in Dominican Teachers: Dimensionality, reliability, and validity
Jose Manuel Tomás Miguel, Saturnino de los Santos Solis, Sylvia Georgieva, Sara Enrique Belda, Irene Fernández Martínez
págs. 89-93
Bad News and Quality Reputation among Users of Public Services
Vicente Martínez Tur, Patricia González, Asunción Juan Maciá, Agustín Molina, Vicente Peñarroja Cabañero
págs. 95-101
Fairness Reactions to the Employment Interview
Ioannis Nikolaou, Konstantina Georgiou
págs. 103-111
The Nature of Relationships in e-Internships: A matter of the psychological contract, communication and relational investment
Debora Jeske, Carolyn Axtell
págs. 113-121