Summary of an eleven-country study of socio-legal measures to combat drug abuse and related crime
T. Asuni, F. Bruno
págs. 3-8
Penal measures for drug offences: perspectives from some Asian countries
Dinuk Jayasuriya
págs. 9-13
Provisions in the laws of Pakistan to combat seriousdrug-related offences
M. Husain
págs. 15-17
Legal measures to combat drug-related problemsin Poland
Maria E. Sokalska
págs. 19-25
Drug offence sentencing practices in the United States of America
págs. 27-41
Denial of passports to drug offenders in Singapore
Poh Geok Ek
págs. 43-45
Drug-related crime and sentencing policies from the perspective of the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme
H. Hanreich
págs. 47-57
Some unresolved legal issues relating to punishment of offenders in criminal law and their effect on sentencing policies: the case of drug abusers
S.K. Chatterjee
págs. 59-76
Un proyecto de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid