Richard Aplin
págs. 73-74
The Language Awareness of the L2 Teacher: Its Impact Upon Pedagogical Practice
Stephen Andrews
págs. 75-90
Text-generating Strategies of Three Multilingual Writers: A Protocol-based Study
Lurdes Armengol Castells
págs. 91-106
Variations in Native Speaker Competence: Implications for First-language Teaching
Ngoni Chipere
págs. 107-124
Cross-linguistic Awareness of Cultural Keywords: A Study of Chinese and English Speakers
Martin Cortazzi, Wei Wei Shen
págs. 125-142
Knotted and Entangled: New Light on the Identification, Classification and Value of Language Related Episodes in Collaborative Output Tasks
Alan Fortune, Dilys Thorp
págs. 143-160
Conglomeration or Chameleon?: Teachers' Representations of Language in the Assessment of Learners with English as an Additional Language
Sheena Gardner, Pauline Rea-Dickins
págs. 161-177
págs. 178-188
págs. 189-199
págs. 200-212
págs. 213-231