The Community Role of Schools in Jicamarca and Villa El Salvador (Peru): Crosscutting Behavior Settings in Personal Networks
Isidro Maya Jariego, Daniel Holgado Ramos, Esperanza Márquez López, Francisco J. Santolaya Soriano
págs. 1-11
Out-of-Home Care for Children at-Risk in Israel and in Spain: current Lessons and Future Challenges
Hanita Kosher, Carme Montserrat Boada, Shalhevet Attar Schwartz, Ferran Casas Aznar, Anat Zeira
págs. 12-21
Promoting Positive Youth Development: a Psychosocial Intervention Evaluation
Roberto L. Rinaldi, A. Celeste Farr, Kyle Eichas, Willian Kurtines
págs. 22-34
Barriers Identification as Intervention to Engage Breast Cancer Survivors in Physical Activity
Nathalie André, Marine Pillaud, Aurélien Davoust, Louis Laurencelle
págs. 35-43
Development and Psychometric Analysis of the Sense of Community Descriptors Scale
Júlia Halamová, Martin Kanovský, Eva Nanistová
págs. 44-55
Ana María Trejos -Herrera, Marly Johana Bahamón Muñetón, Yolima Alarcón Vásquez, Jorge I. Vélez, Stefano Vinaccia Alpi
págs. 56-63