James Clyde DiPerna, Puiwa Lei, Weiyi Cheng, Susan Crandall Hart, Jillian Bellinger
págs. 1-16
Child- and school-level predictors of children’s bullying behavior: A multilevel analysis in 648 primary schools
Elian Fink, Praveetha Patalay, Helen Sharpe, Miranda Wolpert
págs. 17-26
Computer-adaptive testing: Implications for students’ achievement, motivation, engagement, and subjective test experience
Goran Lazendic, Andrew J. Martin
págs. 27-45
When students doubt their teachers’ diagnostic competence: Moderation in the internal/external frame of reference model
Friederike Zimmermann, Jens Möller, Olaf Köller
págs. 46-57
Renske Bouwer, Monica Koster, Huub van den Bergh
págs. 58-71
Understanding how syntactic awareness contributes to reading comprehension: Evidence from mediation and longitudinal models
Hélène Deacon, Michael J. Kieffer
págs. 72-86
Assessing formal knowledge of math equivalence among algebra and pre-algebra students
Emily R. Fyfe, Percival G. Matthews, Eric Amsel, Katherine L. McEldoon, Nicole M. McNeil
págs. 87-101
A double dose of disadvantage: Language experiences for low-income children in home and school
Susan B. Neuman, Tanya Kaefer, Ashley Pinkham
págs. 102-118
Yeonwoo Kim, Esther J. Calzada, R. Gabriela Barajas Gonzalez, Keng-Yen Huang, Laurie Miller Brotman, Ashley Castro, Catherine Pichardo
págs. 119-132
School readiness amongst urban Canadian families: Risk profiles and family mediation
Dillon T. Browne, Mark Wade, Heather Prime, Jennifer M. Jenkins
págs. 133-146