págs. 1323-1329
Predicting Individual Variation in Language From Infant Speech Perception Measures
Alejandrina Cristia, Amanda Seidl, Caroline Junge, Melanie Sodestrom, Peter Hagoort
págs. 1330-1345
Stability of Core Language Skill from Early Childhood to Adolescence: A Latent Variable Approach
Marc H. Bornstein, Chun-Shin Hahn, Diane L. Putnick, Joan T.D. Suwalsky
págs. 1346-1356
Perceived Discrimination and Ethnic Affirmation: Anglo Culture Orientation as a Moderator Among Mexican-Origin Adolescent Mothers
Chelsea L. Derlan, Adriana J. Umaña Taylor, Russell B. Toomey, Kimberly A. Updegraff, Laudan B. Jahromi, Lluliana I. Flores
págs. 1357-1365
I Know Who My Friends Are, but Do You? Predictors of Self-Reported and Peer-Inferred Relationships
Jennifer Watling Neal, Zachary Neal, Elise Cappella
págs. 1366-1372
The Role of Stimulus Novelty on Children's Inflexible Dimensional Switching
Gelareh Jowkar-Baniani, Mark A. Schmuckler
págs. 1373-1384
Do the Effects of Head Start Vary by Parental Preacademic Stimulation?
Elizabeth B. Miller, George Farkas, Deborah Lowe Vandell, Greg J. Duncan
págs. 1385-1400
Children's Attractiveness, Gender, and Race Biases: A Comparison of Their Strength and Generality
Jennifer L. Rennels, Judith H. Langlois
págs. 1401-1418
Spatial Ability Mediates the Gender Difference in Middle School Students' Science Performance
Colleen M. Ganley, Marina Vasilyeva, Alana Dulaney
págs. 1419-1432
Mapping the Trajectory of Socioeconomic Disparity in Working Memory: Parental and Neighborhood Factors
Daniel A. Hackman, Laura M. Betancourt, Robert Gallop, Daniel Romer, Nancy L. Brodsky, Hallam Hurt, Martha J. Farah
págs. 1433-1445
Planning in Middle Childhood: Early Predictors and Later Outcomes
Sarah L. Friedman, Ellin K. Scholnick, Randall H. Bender, Nathan Vandergrift, Susanne Spieker, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Daniel Keating, Yoonjung Park, The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network
págs. 1446-1460
Sources of Individual Differences in Children's Understanding of Fractions
Rose K. Vukovic, Lynn S. Fuchs, David C. Geary, Nancy C. Jordan, Russell Gersten, Robert S. Siegler
págs. 1461-1476
págs. 1477-1490
Remembering Things Without Context: Development Matters
Jamie Edgin, Goffredina Spanò, Kevin Kawa, Lynn Nadel
págs. 1491-1502
Crawling and Walking Infants See the World Differently
Kari S. Kretch, John M. Franchak, Karen E. Adolph
págs. 1503-1518
Representing How Rabbits Quack and Competitors Act: Limits on Preschoolers' Efficient Ability to Track Perspective
Jason Low, William Drummond, Andrew Walmsley, Bo Wang
págs. 1519-1534
The Contribution of Symbolic Skills to the Development of an Explicit Theory of Mind
Angeline S. Lillard, Robert D. Kavanaugh
págs. 1535-1551
Monique Sénéchal, Jo-Anne LeFevre
págs. 1552-1568
Ashley K. Smith Watts, Deepika Patel, Robin Corley, Naomi P. Friedman, John K. Hewitt, JoAnn Robinson, Soo H. Rhee
págs. 1569-1585
Paul D. Hastings, Sarah Kahle, Jacob M. Nuselovici
págs. 1586-1600
págs. 1601-1616
The Development of Children's Prelife Reasoning: Evidence From Two Cultures
Natalie A. Emmons, Deborah Kelemen
págs. 1617-1633
Trajectories of Indonesian Adolescents' Religiosity, Problem Behavior, and Friends' Religiosity: Covariation and Sequences
Doran C. French, Sharon Christ, Ting Lu, Urip Purwono
págs. 1634-1646
Transactional Links Between Teacher–Child Relationship Quality and Perceived Versus Sociometric Popularity: A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study
Steven De Laet, Sarah Doumen, Eleonora Vervoort, Hilde Colpin, Karla van Leeuwen, Luc Goossens, Karine Verschueren
págs. 1647-1662
Gender-Based Relationship Efficacy: Children's Self-Perceptions in Intergroup Contexts
Kristina M. Zosuls, Ryan D. Field, Carol Lynn Martin, Naomi C. Z. Andrews, Dawn E. England
págs. 1663-1676
Time With Peers From Middle Childhood to Late Adolescence: Developmental Course and Adjustment Correlates
Chun Bun Lam, Susan M. McHale, Ann C. Crouter
págs. 1677-1693
Albert D. Farrell, Krista R. Mehari, Alison Kramer-Kuhn, Elizabeth A. Goncy
págs. 1694-1710
Claudia Steinbrink, Karin Zimmer, Thomas Lachmann, Martin Dirichs, Thomas W. Kammer
págs. 1711-1726
Judging Words by Their Covers and the Company They Keep: Probabilistic Cues Support Word Learning
Jill Lany
págs. 1727-1739
Inference and Association in Children's Early Numerical Estimation
Jessica Sullivan, David Barner
págs. 1740-1755