págs. 1841-1845
Measuring Beliefs in Centimeters: Private Knowledge Biases Preschoolers' and Adults' Representation of Others' Beliefs
Jessica Sommerville, Daniel M. Bernstein, Andrew N. Meltzoff
págs. 1846-1854
Red to Green or Fast to Slow? Infants' Visual Working Memory for “Just Salient Differences”
Zsuzsa Káldy, Erik Blaser
págs. 1855-1862
Consolidation and Transfer of Learning After Observing Hand Gesture
Susan Wagner Cook, Ryan G. Duffy, Kimberly M. Fenn
págs. 1863-1871
Taking Shape: Supporting Preschoolers' Acquisition of Geometric Knowledge Through Guided Play
Kelly R. Fisher, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Nora S. Newcombe, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff
págs. 1872-1878
Children's Naive Theories of Intelligence Influence Their Metacognitive Judgments
David B. Miele, Lisa K. Son, Janet Metcalfe
págs. 1879-1886
Lili Qin, Eva M. Pomerantz
págs. 1887-1895
Germán Posada, Ting Lu, Jill Trumbell, Garene Kaloustian, Marcel Trudel, Sandra Juliana Plata, Paola Peña, Jennifer Perez, Susana Tereno, Romain Dugravier, Gabrielle Coppola, Alessandro Constantini, Rosalinda Cassibba, Kiyomi Kondo-Ikemura, Magaly Nóblega Mayorga, Ines M. Haya, Claudia Pedraglio, Manuela Veríssimo, António J. Santos, Ligia Monteiro, Keng-Ling Lay
págs. 1896-1905
Cross-Cultural Differences in Children's Beliefs About the Objectivity of Social Categories
Gil Diesendruck, Rebecca Goldfein-Elbaz, Marjorie Rhodes, Susan A. Gelman, Noam Neumark
págs. 1906-1917
Racial Identity From Adolescence to Young Adulthood: Does Prior Neighborhood Experience Matter?
Deborah Rivas-Drake, Dawn Witherspoon
págs. 1918-1932
págs. 1933-1953
Inhibitory Control During Emotional Distraction Across Adolescence and Early Adulthood
Julia E. Cohen-Gilbert, Kathleen M. Thomas
págs. 1954-1966
School Life and Adolescents' Self-Esteem Trajectories
Alexandre J.S. Morin, Christophe Maïano, Herbert W. Marsh, Benjamin Nagengast, Michel Janosz
págs. 1967-1988
The Effect of Teachers' Memory-Relevant Language on Children's Strategy Use and Knowledge
Jennie Grammer, Jennifer L. Coffman, Peter Ornstein
págs. 1989-2002
Marital Conflict, Allostatic Load, and the Development of Children's Fluid Cognitive Performance
J. Benjamin Hinnant, Mona El-Sheikh, Margaret Keiley, Joseph A. Buckhalt
págs. 2003-2014
Developmental Personality Types From Childhood to Adolescence: Associations With Parenting and Adjustment
Amaranta D. De Haan, Maja Dekovic, Alithe L. Van den Akker, Sabine E. M. J. Stoltz, Peter Prinzie
págs. 2015-2030
Kristine Marceau, Briana N. Horwitz, Jurgita Narusyte, Jody M. Ganiban, Erica L. Spotts, David Reiss, Jenae M. Neiderhiser
págs. 2031-2046
Environmental-Scale Map Use in Middle Childhood: Links to Spatial Skills, Strategies, and Gender
Lynn S. Liben, Lauren J. Myers, Adam E. Christensen, Corinne A. Bower
págs. 2047-2063
Development of Phonological Constancy: 19-Month-Olds, but Not 15-Month-Olds, Identify Words in a Non-Native Regional Accent
Karen E. Mulak, Catherine T. Best, Michael D. Tyler, Christine Kitamura, Julia R. Irwin
págs. 2064-2078
3-Year-Old Children Make Relevance Inferences in Indirect Verbal Communication
Cornelia Schulze, Susanne Grassmann, Michael Tomasello
págs. 2079-2093
Not All Past Events Are Equal: Biased Attention and Emerging Heuristics in Children's Past-to-Future Forecasting
Kristin Hansen Lagattuta, Liat Sayfan
págs. 2094-2111
Christine Wieland, Hirokazu Yoshikawa
págs. 2112-2130
Reading Development in Young Children: Genetic and Environmental Influences
Jessica A. R. Logan, Sara A. Hart, Laurie Cutting, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Christopher Schatschneider, Stephen Petrill
págs. 2131-2144
págs. 2145-2152
págs. 2153-2161