págs. 1491-1495
Revisiting the Fantasy–Reality Distinction: Children as Naïve Skeptics
Jacqueline D. Woolley, Maliki E. Ghossainy
págs. 1496-1510
Being Mimicked Increases Prosocial Behavior in 18-Month-Old Infants
Malinda Carpenter, Johanna Uebel, Michael Tomasello
págs. 1511-1518
First Possession, History, and Young Children's Ownership Judgments
Ori Friedman, Julia W. Van de Vondervoort, Margaret Anne Defeyter, Karen R. Neary
págs. 1519-1525
Parent Praise to 1- to 3-Year-Olds Predicts Children's Motivational Frameworks 5 Years Later
Elizabeth A. Gunderson, Sarah J. Gripshover, Carissa Romero, Carol S. Dweck, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Susan C. Levine
págs. 1526-1541
Sleep and Cognition in Preschool Years: Specific Links to Executive Functioning
Annie Bernier, Miriam H. Beauchamp, Andrée-Anne Bouvette-Turcot, Stephanie M. Carlson, Julie Carrier
págs. 1542-1553
Touching Up Mental Rotation: Effects of Manual Experience on 6-Month-Old Infants’ Mental Object Rotation
Wenke Möhring, Andrea Frick
págs. 1554-1565
Early Neglect Is Associated With Alterations in White Matter Integrity and Cognitive Functioning
Jamie L. Hanson, Nagesh Adluru, Moo K. Chung, Andrew L. Alexander, Richard J. Davidson, Seth D. Pollak
págs. 1566-1578
Temperament Moderates Associations Between Exposure to Stress and Children's Externalizing Problems
Alice C. Schermerhorn, John E. Bates, Jackson A. Goodnight, Jennifer E. Lansford, Kenneth A. Dodge, Gregory S. Pettit
págs. 1579-1593
Multilevel Mediation: Cumulative Contextual Risk, Maternal Differential Treatment, and Children's Behavior Within Families
Jean Christophe Meunier, Michael H. Boyle, Thomas G. O'Connor, Jennifer M. Jenkins
págs. 1594-1615
Response Inhibition in Preschoolers at Familial Risk for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Behavioral and Electrophysiological Stop-Signal Study
Andrea Berger, Uri Alyagon, Hadas Hadaya, Naama Atzaba-Poria, Judith G. Auerbach
págs. 1616-1632
Developmental Trajectories of Maladaptive Perfectionism Among African American Adolescents
Keith C. Herman, Kenneth Wang, Reid Trotter, Wendy M. Reinke, Nicholas S. Ialongo
págs. 1633-1650
Implicit Theories of Personality and Attributions of Hostile Intent: A Meta-Analysis, an Experiment, and a Longitudinal Intervention
David Scott Yeager, Adriana S. Miu, Joseph Powers, Carol S. Dweck
págs. 1651-1667
Online Lexical Competition During Spoken Word Recognition and Word Learning in Children and Adults
Lisa Henderson, Anna Weighall, Helen Brown, M. Gareth Gaskell
págs. 1668-1685
The Development of Language Constancy: Attention to Native Versus Nonnative Accents
Christine Kitamura, Robin Panneton, Catherine T. Best
págs. 1686-1700
Do Time in Child Care and Peer Group Exposure Predict Poor Socioemotional Adjustment in Norway?
Elisabet Solheim, Lars Wichstrøm, Jay Belsky, Turid Suzanne Berg-Nielsen
págs. 1701-1715
A Stereotype Threat Account of Boys' Academic Underachievement
Bonny L. Hartley, Robbie M. Sutton
págs. 1716-1733
Maintaining a Social-Emotional Intervention and Its Benefits for Institutionalized Children
Robert B. McCall, Christina J. Groark, Larry Fish, Rifkat J. Muhamedrahimov, Oleg I. Palmov, Natalia V. Nikiforova
págs. 1734-1749
Transactions Between Child Social Wariness and Observed Structured Parenting: Evidence From a Prospective Adoption Study
Misaki N. Natsuaki, Leslie D. Leve, Gordon T. Harold, Jenae M. Neiderhiser, Daniel Shaw, Jody Ganiban, Laura V. Scaramella, David Reiss
págs. 1750-1765
Classifying Prosocial Behavior: Children's Responses to Instrumental Need, Emotional Distress, and Material Desire
Kristen A. Dunfield, Valerie A. Kuhlmeier
págs. 1766-1776
Mind-Mindedness and Theory of Mind: Mediating Roles of Language and Perspectival Symbolic Play
Elizabeth Meins, Charles Fernyhough, Bronia Arnott, Susan R. Leekam, Marc de Rosnay
págs. 1777-1790
Preschoolers Use Emotion in Speech to Learn New Words
Jared M. J. Berman, Susan A. Graham, Dallas Callaway, Craig G. Chambers
págs. 1791-1805
Child-Care Subsidies and School Readiness in Kindergarten
Anna D. Johnson, Anne Martin, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
págs. 1806-1822
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Negative Life Events From Late Childhood to Adolescence
Daniel P. Johnson, Soo Hyun Rhee, Mark A. Whisman, Robin Corley, John K. Hewitt
págs. 1823-1839