págs. 1-5
Introduction to the Special Section on Genomics
Elena L. Grigorenko, Mary Dozier
págs. 6-16
John J. Connolly, Joseph T. Glessner, Hakon Hakonarson
págs. 17-33
Child Development and Structural Variation in the Human Genome
Ying Zhang, Rajini Haraksingh, Fabian Grubert, Alexej Abyzov, Mark Gerstein, Sherman Weissman, Alexander E. Urban
págs. 34-48
DNA Methylation: A Mechanism for Embedding Early Life Experiences in the Genome
Moshe Szyf, Johanna Bick
págs. 49-57
Epigenetic Vestiges of Early Developmental Adversity: Childhood Stress Exposure and DNA Methylation in Adolescence
Marilyn J. Essex, W. Thomas Boyce, Clyde Hertzman, Lucia L. Lam, Jeffrey M. Armstrong, Sarah M. A. Neumann, Michael S. Kobor
págs. 58-75
Gene Expression in the Human Brain: The Current State of the Study of Specificity and Spatiotemporal Dynamics
Oksana Yu. Naumova, Maria Lee, Sergei Yu. Rychkov, Natalia V. Vlasova, Elena L. Grigorenko
págs. 76-88
From Genes to Environment: Using Integrative Genomics to Build a “Systems-Level” Understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Valerie W. Hu
págs. 89-103
págs. 104-120
The Utility of Chromosomal Microarray Analysis in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Arthur L. Beaudet
págs. 121-132
To Study or to Sleep? The Academic Costs of Extra Studying at the Expense of Sleep
Cari Gillen-O’Neel, Virginia W. Huynh, Andrew J. Fuligni
págs. 133-142
Sumarga H. Suanda, Laura L. Namy
págs. 143-153
Systems and Cascades in Cognitive Development and Academic Achievement
Marc H. Bornstein, Chun-Shin Hahn, Dieter Wolke
págs. 154-162
Exposure to Violence Across the Social Ecosystem and the Development of Aggression: A Test of Ecological Theory in the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict
Paul Boxer, L. Rowell Huesmann, Eric F. Dubow, Simha F. Landau, Shira Dvir-Gvirsman, Khalil Shikaki, Jeremy Ginges
págs. 163-177
Rebekah Levine Coley, Caitlin McPherran Lombardi
págs. 178-197
Anna Gassman-Pines, Erin B. Godfrey, Hirokazu Yoshikawa
págs. 198-208
Geographic Variations in Cost of Living: Associations With Family and Child Well-Being
Nina C. Chien, Rashmita S. Mistry
págs. 209-225
Cliff or Step? Posture-Specific Learning at the Edge of a Drop-Off
Kari S. Kretch, Karen E. Adolph
págs. 226-240
Preverbal Infants' Attention to Manner and Path: Foundations for Learning Relational Terms
Rachel Pulverman, Lulu Song, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Shannon M. Pruden, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff
págs. 241-252
Helping the In-Group Feels Better: Children’s Judgments and Emotion Attributions in Response to Prosocial Dilemmas
Drika Weller, Kristin Hansen Lagattuta
págs. 253-268
Children Trust a Consensus Composed of Outgroup Members—But Do Not Retain That Trust
Eva E. Chen, Kathleen H. Corriveau, Paul L. Harris
págs. 269-282
Early Attachment Organization With Both Parents and Future Behavior Problems: From Infancy to Middle Childhood
Grazyna Kochanska, Sanghag Kim
págs. 283-296
Tracing the Cascade of Children’s Insecurity in the Interparental Relationship: The Role of Stage-Salient Tasks
Patrick T. Davies, Liviah G. Manning, Dante Cicchetti
págs. 297-312
Toddlers’ Processing of Phonological Alternations: Early Compensation for Assimilation in English and French
Katrin Skoruppa, Nivedita Mani, Sharon Pepekamp
págs. 313-330
Infant Categorization of Path Relations During Dynamic Events
Shannon M. Pruden, Sarah Roseberry, Tilbe Göksun, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff
págs. 331-345
Developmental Dynamics of Emotion and Cognition Processes in Preschoolers
A. Nayena Blankson, Marion O'Brien, Esther M. Leerkes, Stuart Marcovitch, Susan D. Calkins, Jennifer Miner Weaver
págs. 346-360
Emotion Regulation Strategies That Promote Learning: Reappraisal Enhances Children’s Memory for Educational Information
Elizabeth L. Davis, Linda J. Levine
págs. 361-374
Lydia R. Barhight, Julie A. Hubbard, Christopher T. Hyde
págs. 375-390