págs. 1351-1356
págs. 1357-1371
págs. 1372-1380
Brandi Stupica, Laura J. Sherman, Jude Cassidy
págs. 1381-1389
Reciprocal Associations Between Family and Peer Conflict in Adolescents’ Daily Lives
Grace H. Chung, Lisa Flook, Andrew J. Fuligni
págs. 1390-1396
Can Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders “Hear” a Speaking Face?
Julia R. Irwin, Lauren A. Tornatore, Lawrence Brancazio, D. H. Whalen
págs. 1397-1403
Margaret R. Burchinal, Kathleen McCartney, Laurence D. Steinberg, Robert Crosnoe, Sarah L. Friedman, Vonnie C. McLoyd, Robert Pianta, The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network
págs. 1404-1420
Young Children’s Learning and Transfer of Biological Information From Picture Books to Real Animals
Patricia A. Ganea, Lili Ma, Judy S. DeLoache
págs. 1421-1433
Characterizing and Comparing the Friendships of Anxious-Solitary and Unsociable Preadolescents
Gary W. Ladd, Becky Kochenderfer Ladd, Natalie D. Eggum, Karen P. Kochel, Erin M. McConnell
págs. 1434-1453
African American and European American Children in Diverse Elementary Classrooms: Social Integration, Social Status, and Social Behavior
Travis Wilson, Philip C. Rodkin
págs. 1454-1469
Ethnic Stigma, Academic Anxiety, and Intrinsic Motivation in Middle Childhood
Cari Gillen-O’Neel, Diane N. Ruble, Andrew J. Fuligni
págs. 1470-1485
A Longitudinal Examination of African American Adolescents’ Attributions About Achievement Outcomes
Akilah D. Swinton, Beth Kurtz-Costes, Stephanie J. Rowley, Ndidi Okeke-Adeyanju
págs. 1486-1500
Age Differences in Strategic Planning as Indexed by the Tower of London
Dustin Albert, Laurence D. Steinberg
págs. 1501-1517
Developing Relationships, Being Cool, and Not Looking Like a Loser: Social Goal Orientation Predicts Children’s Responses to Peer Aggression
Karen D. Rudolph, Jamie L. Abaied, Megan Flynn, Niwako Sugimura, Anna Monica Agoston
págs. 1518-1530
Shyness-Sensitivity and Unsociability in Rural Chinese Children: Relations With Social, School, and Psychological Adjustment
Xinyin Chen, Li Wang, Ruixin Cao
págs. 1531-1543
The Gap Between Spanish Speakers’ Word Reading and Word Knowledge: A Longitudinal Study
Jeannette Mancilla-Martinez, Nonie K. Lesaux
págs. 1544-1560
Preschoolers’ Use of Morphosyntactic Cues to Identify Generic Sentences: Indefinite Singular Noun Phrases, Tense, and Aspect
Andrei Cimpian, Trent J. Meltzer, Ellen M. Markman
págs. 1561-1578
Wherein Lies Children’s Intergroup Bias? Egocentrism, Social Understanding, and Social Projection
Dominic Abrams
págs. 1579-1593
Social Groups and Children’s Intergroup Attitudes: Can School Norms Moderate the Effects of Social Group Norms?
Drew Nesdale, Michael J. Lawson
págs. 1594-1606
The Effect of Narrative Cues on Infants’ Imitation From Television and Picture Books
Gabrielle Simcock, Kara Garrity Liebeskind, Rachel Barr
págs. 1607-1619
Benefits of Practicing 4 = 2 + 2: Nontraditional Problem Formats Facilitate Children’s Understanding of Mathematical Equivalence
Nicole M. McNeil, Emily R. Fyfe, Lori A. Petersen, April E. Dunwiddie, Heather Brletic-Shipley
págs. 1620-1633
Characterizing Children’s Expectations About Expertise and Incompetence: Halo or Pitchfork Effects?
Melissa A. Koenig, Vikram K. Jaswal
págs. 1634-1647
Children’s Judgments of Emotion From Conflicting Cues in Speech: Why 6-Year-Olds Are So Inflexible
Matthew Waxer, J. Bruce Morton
págs. 1648-1660
Trajectories of Parenting and Child Negative Emotionality During Infancy and Toddlerhood: A Longitudinal Analysis
Shannon Tierney Lipscomb, Leslie D. Leve, Gordon T. Harold, Jenae M. Neiderhiser, Daniel Shaw, Xiaojia Ge, David Reiss
págs. 1661-1675
Christopher J. Trentacosta, Michael M. Criss, Daniel Shaw, Eric Lacourse, Luke W. Hyde, Thomas J. Dishion
págs. 1676-1690
Developmental Continuity in Theory of Mind: Speed and Accuracy of Belief–Desire Reasoning in Children and Adults
Ian.A. Apperly, Frances Warren, Benjamin J. Andrews, Jay Grant, Sophie Todd
págs. 1691-1703
págs. 1704-1708