págs. 1-6
Raising Healthy Children: Translating Child Development Research Into Practice
Nancy G. Guerra, Sandra Graham, Patrick H. Tolan
págs. 7-16
Science Does Not Speak for Itself: Translating Child Development Research for the Public and Its Policymakers
Jack P. Shonkoff, Susan Nall Bales
págs. 17-32
Intergenerational Transmission of Adaptive Functioning: A Test of the Interactionist Model of SES and Human Development
Thomas J Schofield, Monica J. Martin, Katherine Jewsbury Conger, Tricia M. Neppl, M. Brent Donnellan, Rand D. Conger
págs. 33-47
Double Jeopardy: Poorer Social-Emotional Outcomes for Children in the NICHD SECCYD Experiencing Home and Child-Care Environments That Confer Risk
Sarah Enos Watamura, Deborah A. Phillips, Taryn W. Morrissey, Kathleen McCartney, Kristen L. Bub
págs. 48-65
Maternal Employment, Work Schedules, and Children’s Body Mass Index
Taryn W. Morrissey, Rachel E. Dunifon, Ariel Kalil
págs. 66-81
Media as Social Partners: The Social Nature of Young Children’s Learning From Screen Media
Rebekah A. Richert, Michael B. Robb, Erin I. Smith
págs. 82-95
Revisiting the Impact of Part-Time Work on Adolescent Adjustment: Distinguishing Between Selection and Socialization Using Propensity Score Matching
Kathryn C. Monahan, Joanna M. Lee, Laurence D. Steinberg
págs. 96-112
Vonnie C. McLoyd, Rachel Kaplan, Kelly Purtell, Aletha C. Huston
págs. 113-132
The ABCs of Family Mealtimes: Observational Lessons for Promoting Healthy Outcomes for Children With Persistent Asthma
Barbara H. Fiese, Marcia A. Winter, Joanna C. Botti
págs. 133-145
Albert D. Farrell, David B. Henry, Sally A. Mays, Michael E. Schoeny
págs. 146-161
Intergenerational Continuity in Child Maltreatment: Mediating Mechanisms and Implications for Prevention
Lisa J. Berlin, Karen Appleyard, Kenneth A. Dodge
págs. 162-176
Accumulating Evidence for Parent–Child Interaction Therapy in the Prevention of Child Maltreatment
Rae Thomas, Melanie J. Zimmer-Gembeck
págs. 177-192
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Child FIRST: A Comprehensive Home-Based Intervention Translating Research Into Early Childhood Practice
Darcy I. Lowell, Alice S. Carter, Leandra Godoy, Belinda Paulicin, Margaret J. Briggs-Gowan
págs. 193-208
An Ecological Approach to Promoting Early Adolescent Mental Health and Social Adaptation: Family-Centered Intervention in Public Middle Schools
Elizabeth A. Stormshak, Arin M. Connell, Marie-Hélène Véronneau, Michael W. Myers, Thomas J. Dishion, Kathryn Kavanagh, Allison S. Caruthers
págs. 209-225
Remission of Depression in Parents: Links to Healthy Functioning in Their Children
Judy Garber, Jeff A. Ciesla, Elizabeth McCauley, Guy Diamond, Kelly A. Schloredt
págs. 226-243
Protecting Children From the Consequences of Divorce: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Parenting on Children’s Coping Processes
Clorinda E. Vélez, Sharlene A. Wolchik, Jenn-Yun Tein, Irwin Sandler
págs. 244-257
Laurie Miller Brotman, Esther Calzada, Keng-Yen Huang, Sharon Kingston, Spring Dawson-McClure, Dimitra Kamboukos, Amanda Rosenfelt, Amihai Schwab, Eva Petkova
págs. 258-276
Adolescents’ Development of Skills for Agency in Youth Programs: Learning to Think Strategically
Reed W. Larson, Rachel M. Angus
págs. 277-294
Understanding Bullying and Victimization During Childhood and Adolescence: A Mixed Methods Study
Nancy G. Guerra, Kirk R. Williams, Shelly Sadek
págs. 295-310
A Large-Scale Evaluation of the KiVa Antibullying Program: Grades 4–6
Anthi Karrá, Marinus J.M. Voeten, Todd J. Little, Elisa Poskiparta, Anne Kaljonen, Christina Salmivalli
págs. 311-330
Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group
págs. 331-345
Mentoring in Schools: An Impact Study of Big Brothers Big Sisters School-Based Mentoring
Carla Herrera, Jean Baldwin Grossman, Tina J. Kauh, Jennifer McMaken
págs. 346-361
CSRP’s Impact on Low-Income Preschoolers’ Preacademic Skills: Self-Regulation as a Mediating Mechanism
C. Cybele Raver, Stephanie M. Jones, Christine Li-Grining, Fuhua Zhai, Kristen L. Bub, Emily Pressler
págs. 362-378
Age 26 Cost–Benefit Analysis of the Child-Parent Center Early Education Program
Arthur J. Reynolds, Judy A. Temple, Barry A. B. White, Suh-Ruu Ou, Dylan L. Robertson
págs. 379-404
The Impact of Enhancing Students’ Social and Emotional Learning: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Universal Interventions
Joseph A. Durlak, Roger P. Weissberg, Allison B. Dymnicki, Rebecca D. Taylor, Kriston B. Schellinger
págs. 405-432
págs. 433-442
págs. 443-447