An investigation of the mechanism underlying teacher aggression: Testing I3 theory and the General Aggression Model
Paul Montuoro, Tim Mainhard
págs. 497-517
Soo-hyun Im, Keisha Varma, Sashank Varma
págs. 518-534
Bullying and cyberbullying studies in the school-aged population on the island of Ireland: A meta-analysis
Mairéad Foody, Muthanna Samara, James O'Higgins Norman
págs. 535-557
Manuel Sánchez de Miguel, Izarne Lizaso Elgarresta, Daniel Hermosilla Perez, Carlos María Alcover de la Hera, Marios Goudas, Enrique Arranz Freijo
págs. 558-572
Math anxiety and math performance in children: The mediating roles of working memory and math self-concept
María José Justicia Galiano, María Eva Martín Puga, Rocío Linares Martínez, Santiago Pelegrina López
págs. 573-589
How restudy decisions affect overall comprehension for seventh-grade students
Keith W. Thiede, Joshua S. Redford, Jennifer Wiley, Thomas D. Griffin
págs. 590-605
Achievement goal profiles and developments in effort and achievement in upper elementary school
Lisette Hornstra, Marieke Majoor, Thea Peetsma
págs. 606-629
Effects of achievement goals on perceptions of competence in conditions of unfavourable social comparisons: The mastery goal advantage effect
Sviatlana Kamarova, Nikos L.D. Chatzisarantis, Martin S. Hagger, Taru Lintunen, Mary Hassandra, Athanasios G. Papaioannou
págs. 630-646
Pathways to arithmetic fact retrieval and percentage calculation in adolescents
Ulf Träff, Kenny Skagerlund, Linda Olsson, Rickard Östergren
págs. 647-663
Longitudinal tracking of academic progress during teacher preparation
Roisin P. Corcoran, Joanne O'Flaherty
págs. 664-682
Teacher spatial skills are linked to differences in geometry instruction
Beryl Ann Otumfuor, Martha Carr
págs. 683-699
The complexity of school racial climate: Reliability and validity of a new measure for secondary students
Christy M. Byrd
págs. 700-721
Sleep difficulties and academic performance in Norwegian higher education students
Amie C. Hayley, Børge Sivertsen, Mari Hysing, Øystein Vedaa, Simon Øverland
págs. 722-737