The Timing of Middle-Childhood Peer Rejection and Friendship: Linking Early Behavior to Early-Adolescent Adjustment
Sara Pedersen, Frank Vitaro, Edward D. Barker, Anne I. H. Borge
págs. 1037-1051
Mothers’ Use of Cognitive State Verbs in Picture-Book Reading and the Development of Children’s Understanding of Mind: A Longitudinal Study
Juan Emilio Adrián Serrano, Rosa Ana Clemente Estevan, Lidón Villanueva Badenes
págs. 1052-1067
Variable Memory Strategy Use in Children’s Adaptive Intratask Learning Behavior: Developmental Changes and Working Memory Influences in Free Recall
Martin Lehmann, Marcus Hasselhorn
págs. 1068-1082
Emotional Development in Adolescence: What can be Learned From a High School Theater Program?
Reed W. Larson, Jane R. Brown
págs. 1083-1099
Yael Orbach, Michael E. Lamb
págs. 1100-1120
The Role of Gender Constancy in Early Gender Development
Diane N. Ruble, Lisa J. Taylor, Lisa Cyphers, Faith K. Greulich, Leah E. Lurye, Patrick E. Shrout
págs. 1121-1136
Kim P. Roberts, Martine B. Powell
págs. 1137-1152
Elaine Reese, Rhiannon Newcombe
págs. 1153-1170
Analyzing False Memories in Children With Associative Lists Specific for Their Age
Paula Carneiro, Pedro B. Albuquerque, Ángel Fernández Ramos, Francisco Esteves
págs. 1171-1185
Thomas Kindermann
págs. 1186-1203
Autonomy and Children’s Reactions to Being Controlled: Evidence That Both Compliance and Defiance May Be Positive Markers in Early Development
Theodore Dix, Amanda D. Stewart, Elizabeth T. Gershoff, William H. Day
págs. 1204-1221
Joseph P. Allen, Maryfrances R. Porter, F. Christy McFarland, Kathleen Boykin McElhaney, Penny Marsh
págs. 1222-1239
Wendy E. Ellis, Lynne Zarbatany
págs. 1240-1254
Lost in Translation: Methodological Considerations in Cross-Cultural Research
Elizabeth D. Pena
págs. 1255-1264
Children With Autism Illuminate the Role of Social Intention in Word Learning
Julia Parish-Morris, Elizabeth A. Hennon, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Helen Tager-Flusberg
págs. 1265-1287
Development of Decision Making in School-Aged Children and Adolescents: Evidence From Heart Rate and Skin Conductance Analysis
Eveline A. Crone, Maurits W. Van Der Molen
págs. 1288-1301
Family Rearing Antecedents of Pubertal Timing
Jay Belsky, Laurence D. Steinberg, Renate M. Houts, Sarah L. Friedman, Ganie DeHart, Elizabeth Cauffman, Glenn I. Roisman, Bonnie L. Halpern-Felsher, Elisabeth Susman, The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network
págs. 1302-1321
Action Speaks Louder Than Words: Young Children Differentially Weight Perceptual, Social, and Linguistic Cues to Learn Verbs
Amanda C. Brandone, Khara L. Pence, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
págs. 1322-1342
David C. Geary, Mary K. Hoard, Jennifer Byrd-Craven, Lara Nugent, Chattavee Numtee
págs. 1343-1359
págs. 1360-1373
Hindsight Bias and Developing Theories of Mind
Daniel M. Bernstein, Cristina Atance, Andrew N. Meltzoff, Geoffrey R. Loftus
págs. 1374-1394
Brett Laursen, William Bukowski, Kaisa Aunola, Jari-Erik Nurmi
págs. 1395-1404
págs. 1405-1405