Pressure points in reading comprehension: A quantile multiple regression analysis
Jessica Logan
págs. 451-464
Cognitive and environmental correlates of rapid automatized naming in Chinese kindergarten children
Cuina Liu, George K. Georgiou
págs. 465-476
The importance of additive reasoning in children’s mathematical achievement: A longitudinal study
Boby Ho-Hong Ching, Terezinha Nunes
págs. 477-508
The codevelopment of children’s fraction arithmetic skill and fraction magnitude understanding
Drew H. Bailey, Nicole Hansen, Nancy C. Jordan
págs. 509-519
Component processes in arithmetic word-problem solving and their correlates
Terry T. Y. Wong, Connie Suk-Han Ho
págs. 520-531
A multilevel examination of racial disparities in high school discipline: Black and white adolescents’ perceived equity, school belonging, and adjustment problems
Jessika H. Bottiani, Catherine P. Bradshaw, Tamar Mendelson
págs. 532-545
Teacher behavior and peer liking and disliking: The teacher as a social referent for peer status
Marloes M. H. G. Hendrickx, Tim Mainhard, Sophie Oudman, Henrike J. Boor-Klip, Mieke Brekelmans
págs. 546-558
Extending attribution theory: Considering students’ perceived control of the attribution process
Evan J. Fishman, Jenefer Husman
págs. 559-573
Performance-approach goal effects depend on how they are defined: Meta-analytic evidence from multiple educational outcomes
Corwin Senko, Blair Dawson
págs. 574-598