How does Bennett Woods Elementary School produce such high reading and writing achievement?
Michael Pressley, Lindsey Mohan, Lisa Raphael, Lauren Fingeret
págs. 221-240
Teachers' achievement goal orientations and associations with teachers' help seeking: Examination of a novel approach to teacher motivation
Ruth Butler
págs. 241-252
Are teachers' expectations different for racial minority than for European American students?: A meta-analysis
Harriet R. Tenenbaum, Martin Ruck
págs. 253-273
Job resources boost work engagement, particularly when job demands are high
Arnold B. Bakker, Jari Hakanen, Evangelia Demerouti, Despoina Xanthopoulou
págs. 274-284
Learning argumentation skills through the use of prompts for self-explaining examples
Silke Schworm, Alexander Renkl
págs. 285-296
Improving fourth-grade students' composition skills: Effects of strategy instruction and self-regulation procedures
Cornelia Glaser, Joachim C. Brunstein
págs. 297-310
Testing and refining the direct and inferential mediation model of reading comprehension
Jennifer G. Cromley, Roger Azevedo
págs. 311-325
The role of lexical analogies in beginning reading: Insights from children's self-reports
Lee Farrington Flint, Clare Wood
págs. 326-338
The benefits of embedded question adjuncts for low and high structure builders
Aimee Callender, Mark A. McDaniel
págs. 339-348
Relations of television viewing and reading: Findings from a 4-year longitudinal study
Marco Ennemoser, Wolfgang Schneider
págs. 349-368
Kindergarten predictors of mathematical growth in the primary grades: An investigation using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study--Kindergarten cohort
James Clyde DiPerna, Pui-Wa Lei, Erin E. Reid
págs. 369-379
The answer is only the beginning: Extended discourse in Chinese and U.S. mathematics classrooms
Meg Schleppenbach, Michelle Perry, Kevin F. Miller, Linda Sims, Ge Fang
págs. 380-396
Spatial ability: A neglected dimension in talent searches for intellectually precocious youth
Rose Mary Webb, David Lubinski, Camila P. Benbow
págs. 397-420
School and community climates and civic commitments: Patterns for ethnic minority and majority students
Constance A. Flanagan, Patricio Cumsille Eltit, Sukhdeep Gill, Leslie S. Gallay
págs. 421-431
Students' self-reported effort and time on homework in six school subjects: Between-students differences and within-student variation
Ulrich Trautwein, Oliver Lüdtke
págs. 432-444