Socioeconomic differences in reading trajectories: The contribution of family, neighborhood, and school contexts
Nikki L. Aikens, Oscar Barbarin
págs. 235-251
Preschool home literacy practices and children's literacy development: A longitudinal analysis
Michelle Hood, Elizabeth Conlon, Glenda Andrews
págs. 252-271
Repeated reading intervention: Outcomes and interactions with readers' skills and classroom instruction
Patricia F. Vadasy, Elizabeth A. Sanders
págs. 272-290
On warm conceptual change: The interplay of text, epistemological beliefs, and topic interest
Lucia Mason, Monica Gava, Angela Boldrin
págs. 291-309
Relationships of three components of reading fluency to reading comprehension
Susan Lutz Klauda, John T. Guthrie
págs. 310-321
Native language proficiency, English literacy, academic achievement, and occupational attainment in limited-English-proficient students: A latent growth modeling perspective
R. Sergio Guglielmi
págs. 322-342
H. Lee Swanson, Olga Jerman, Xinghua Zheng
págs. 343-379
págs. 380-386
Does extrinsic goal framing enhance extrinsic goal-oriented individuals' learning and performance?: An experimental test of the match perspective versus self-determination theory
Maarten Vansteenkiste, Tinneke Timmermans, Willy Lens, Bart Soenens, Anja Van den Broeck
págs. 387-397
Task values, achievement goals, and interest: An integrative analysis
Chris S. Hulleman, Amanda M. Durik, Shaun B. Schweigert, Judith M. Harackiewicz
págs. 398-416
Striving for social dominance over peers: The implications for academic adjustment during early adolescence
Sarah M. Kiefer, Allison M. Ryan
págs. 417-428
Do peers contribute to the likelihood of secondary school graduation among disadvantaged boys?
Marie-Hélène Véronneau, Frank Vitaro, Sarah L. Pedersen, Richard E. Tremblay
págs. 429-442
Control, motivation, affect, and strategic self-regulation in the college classroom: A multidimensional phenomenon
Duane F. Shell, Jenefer Husman
págs. 443-459
What makes lessons interesting?: The role of situational and individual factors in three school subjects
Yi-Miau Tsai, Mareike Kunter, Oliver Lüdtke, Ulrich Trautwein, Richard M. Ryan
págs. 460-472
Cognitive processing about classroom-relevant contexts: Teachers' attention to and utilization of girls' body size, ethnicity, attractiveness, and facial affect
Shirley S. Wang, Teresa A. Treat, Kelly D. Brownell
págs. 473-489