A meta-analysis of the cognitive and motivational effects of serious games
Pieter J. Wouters, Christof Van Nimwegen, Herre Van Oostendorp, Erik D. Van der Spek
págs. 249-265
educing verbal redundancy in multimedia learning: An undesired desirable difficulty?
Carole L. Yue, Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, Robert A. Bjork
págs. 266-277
págs. 278-289
Explanation feedback is better than correct answer feedback for promoting transfer of learning
Andrew C. Butler, Namrata Godbole, Elizabeth J. Marsh
págs. 290-298
Note-taking with computers: Exploring alternative strategies for improved recall
Dung C. Bui, Joel Myerson, Sandra Hale
págs. 299-309
Robert S. Savage, Philip C. Abrami, Noella Piquette, Eileen Wood, Gia Deleveaux, Sukhbinder Sanghera Sidhu, Giovani Burgos
págs. 310-328
Do films make you learn? Inference processes in expository film comprehension
Maike Tibus, Anke Heier, Stephan Schwan
págs. 329-340
Managing face threats and instructions in online tutoring
Benjamin Brummernhenrich, Regina Jucks
págs. 341-350
Extraneous perceptual information interferes with children's acquisition of mathematical knowledge
Jennifer A. Kaminski, Vladimir M. Sloutsky
págs. 351-363
Complex problem solving in educational contexts—Something beyond g: Concept, assessment, measurement invariance, and construct validity
Samuel Greiff, Sascha Wüstenberg, Gyöngyvér Molnár, Andreas Fischer, Joachim Funke, Benö Csapó
págs. 364-379
A meta-analysis of the efficacy of teaching mathematics with concrete manipulatives
Kira J. Carbonneau, Scott Marley, James P. Selig
págs. 380-400
Modeling writing development: Contribution of transcription and self-regulation to Portuguese students' text generation quality
Teresa Limpo, Rui Alexandre Alves
págs. 401-413
Do early literacy skills in children's first language promote development of skills in their second language?: An experimental evaluation of transfer
J. Marc Goodrich, Christopher J. Lonigan, JoAnn M. Farver
págs. 414-426
Enhancing a brief writing intervention to combat stereotype threat among middle-school students
Natasha K. Bowen, Kate M. Wegmann, Kristina C. Webber
págs. 427-435
A contextualized view on long-term predictors of academic performance
Janine Gut, Giselle Reimann, Alexander Grob
págs. 436-443
The effects of single-sex compared with coeducational schooling on mathematics and science achievement: Data from Korea
Erin Pahlke, Janet Shibley Hyde, Janet E. Mertz
págs. 444-452
The transition from informal to formal mathematical knowledge: Mediation by numeral knowledge
David J. Purpura, Arthur J. Baroody, Christopher J. Lonigan
págs. 453-464
Early teacher expectations disproportionately affect poor children's high school performance
Nicole S. Sorhagen
págs. 465-477
Sex-specific differential prediction of college admission tests: A meta-analysis
Franziska Fischer, Johannes Schult, Benedikt Hell
págs. 478-488
The internal/external frame of reference of academic self-concept: Extension to a foreign language and the role of language of instruction
Man K. Xu, Herbert W. Marsh, Kit-Tai Hau, Irene T. Ho, Alexandre J.S. Morin, Adel S. Abduljabbar
págs. 489-503
The role of goal attainment expectancies in achievement goal pursuit
Corwin Senko, Chris S. Hulleman
págs. 504-521
págs. 522-534
Effectiveness of the KiVa Antibullying Program: Grades 1–3 and 7–9
Anthi Karrá, Marinus J.M. Voeten, Todd J. Little, Erkki Alanen, Elisa Poskiparta, Christina Salmivalli
págs. 535-551
"Effectiveness of the KiVa antibullying program: Grades 1–3 and 7–9": Correction
Anthi Karrá, Marinus J.M. Voeten, Todd J. Little, Erkki Alanen, Elisa Poskiparta, Christina Salmivalli
pág. 551
Early adolescent depression symptoms and school dropout: Mediating processes involving self-reported academic competence and achievement
Cintia V. Quiroga, Michel Janosz, Sherri Bisset, Alexandre J.S. Morin
págs. 552-560