The narrative waltz: The role of flexibility in writing proficiency
Laura K. Allen, Erica L. Snow, Danielle S. McNamara
págs. 911-924
Achievement gaps for students with disabilities: Stable, widening, or narrowing on a state-wide reading comprehension test?
Ann C. Schulte, Joseph J. Stevens, Stephen N. Elliott, Gerald Tindal, Joseph F. T. Nese
págs. 925-942
The narrative waltz: The role of flexibility in writing proficiency: Correction to Allen, Snow, and McNamara (2016)
pág. 942
Exploring the connection between arithmetic and prealgebraic reasoning at first and second grade
Sarah R. Powell, Devin M. Kearns, Melissa K. Driver
págs. 943-959
Task-appropriate visualizations: Can the very same visualization format either promote or hinder learning depending on the task requirements?
Alexander Soemer, Stephan Schwan
págs. 960-968
Scaffolding executive function capabilities via play-&-learn software for preschoolers
Anton Axelsson, Richard C. Anderson, Agneta Gulz
págs. 969-981
Executive functions as moderators of the worked example effect: When shifting is more important than working memory capacity
Matthias Schwaighofer, Markus Buehner, Frank Fischer
págs. 982-1000
Developmental trajectories of academic achievement in Chinese children: Contributions of early social-behavioral functioning
Rui Fu, Xinyin Chen, Li Wang, Fan Yang
págs. 1001-1012
Teachers’ self-efficacy in relation to individual students with a variety of social–emotional behaviors: A multilevel investigation
Marjolein Zee, Peter F. de Jong, Helma M. Y. Koomen
págs. 1013-1027
Individual differences in students’ complex problem solving skills: How they evolve and what they imply
Sascha Wüstenberg, Samuel Greiff, Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen, Kevin Murphy
págs. 1028-1044
Differential prediction generalization in college admissions testing
Herman Aguinis, Steven Andrew Culpepper, Charles A. Pierce
págs. 1045-1059