Pre-K classroom-economic composition and children’s early academic development
Portia Miller, Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal, Meghan McQuiggan, Alyssa Shaw
págs. 149-165
School transition practices and children’s social and academic adjustment in kindergarten
Kyle DeMeo Cook, Rebekah Levine Coley
págs. 166-177
Karin S. Frey, Zoe Higheagle Strong, Adaurennaya C. Onyewuenyi
págs. 178-190
Franziska Stäbler, Michael Becker, Jürgen Baumert
págs. 191-207
Homework and achievement: Using smartpen technology to find the connection
Kevin Rawson, Thomas F. Stahovich, Richard E. Mayer
págs. 208-219
Benefits of guided self-management of attention on learning accounting
Seedwell T. M. Sithole, Paul Chandler, Indra Abeysekera, Fred Paas
págs. 220-232
págs. 233-244
The role of the updating function in solving arithmetic word problems
Kanetaka Mori, Masahiko Okamoto
págs. 245-256
Effects of ABRACADABRA literacy instruction on children with autism spectrum disorder
Benjamin Bailey, Joanne Arciuli, R.J. Stancliffe
págs. 257-268
Creativity and academic achievement: a meta-analysis
Aleksandra Gajda, Maciej Karwowski, Ronald A. Beguetto
págs. 269-299