A safe haven: : Investigating social-support figures as prepared safety stimuli
Erica A. Hornstein, Michael S. Fanselow, N. I. Eisenberger
págs. 1051-1060
Dogs identify agents in third-party interactions on the basis of the observed degree of contingency
Tibor Tauzin, Krisztina Kovács, József Topál
págs. 1061-1068
Researchers’ intuitions about power in psychological research
Marjan Bakker, Chris H. J. Hartgerink, Jelte M. Wicherts, Han L. J. van der Maas
págs. 1069-1077
How to improve adolescent stress responses: : Insights from integrating implicit theories of personality and biopsychosocial models
David Scott Yeager, Hae Yeon Lee, Jeremy P. Jamieson
págs. 1078-1091
págs. 1092-1108
Why do people tend to infer “ought” from “is”? The role of biases in explanation
Christina M. Tworek, Andrei Cimpian
págs. 1109-1122
Kyle J. Bourassa, Karen Hasselmo, David A. Sbarra
págs. 1123-1135
The effect of relative encoding on memory-based judgments
Marissa A. Sharif, Daniel M. Oppenheimer
págs. 1136-1145
Reconsidering temporal selection in the attentional blink
Patrick T. Goodbourn, Paolo Martini, Michael Barnett Cowan, Irina M. Harris, Evan J. Livesey, Alex O. Holcombe
págs. 1146-1156
Strategically stunning: : The professional motivations behind the lipstick effect
Ekaterina Netchaeva, McKenzie Rees
págs. 1157-1168