Evaluating Claims People Make About Themselves: The Development of Skepticism
Gail D. Heyman, Genyue Fu, Kang Lee
págs. 367-375
Language and Theory of Mind: A Study of Deaf Children
Brenda Schick, Peter De Villiers, Jill De Villiers, Robert Hoffmeister
págs. 376-396
Do the Eyes Have It? Inferring Mental States From Animated Faces in Autism
Elisa Back, Danielle Ropar, Peter Mitchell
págs. 397-411
From Actors to Agents to Persons: The Development of Character Representation in Young Children's Narratives
Ageliki Nicolopoulou, Elizabeth S. Richner
págs. 412-429
I Like to Do It, I'm Able, and I Know I Am: Longitudinal Couplings Between Domain-Specific Achievement, Self-Concept, and Interest
Jaap J.A. Denissen, Nicole R. Zarrett, Jacquelynne Eccles
págs. 430-447
Fragile But Real: Children's Capacity to Use Newly Acquired Words to Convey Preverbal Memories
Gwynn Morris, Lynne Baker Ward
págs. 448-458
Linkages Between Delayed Children's Social Interactions With Mothers and Peers
Michael J. Guralnick, Brian Neville, Mary A. Hammond, Robert T. Connor
págs. 459-473
Origins of Individual Differences in Imitation: Links With Language, Pretend Play, and Socially Insightful Behavior in Two-Year-Old Twins
Fiona McEwen, Francesca Happé, Patrick Bolton, Frühling V. Rijsdijk, Angelica Ronald, Katharina Dworzynski, Robert Plomin
págs. 474-492
Infants' Use of Shared Linguistic Information to Clarify Ambiguous Requests
Patricia A. Ganea, Megan M. Saylor
págs. 493-502
Emotional Eavesdropping: Infants Selectively Respond to Indirect Emotional Signals
Betty M. Repacholi, Andrew N. Meltzoff
págs. 503-521
Delphine Picard, Annie Vinter
págs. 522-541
Processes of Language Acquisition in Children With Autism: Evidence from Preferential Looking
Lauren D. Swensen, Elizabeth Kelley, Deborah Fein, Letitia R. Naigles
págs. 542-557
Teachers' Education, Classroom Quality, and Young Children's Academic Skills: Results From Seven Studies of Preschool Programs
Diane M. Early, Kelly L. Maxwell, Margaret R. Burchinal, Soumya Alva, Randall H. Bender, Donna Bryant, Karen Cai, Richard M. Clifford, Caroline Ebanks, James A. Griffin, Gary T. Henry, Carollee Howes, Jeniffer Iriondo Perez, Hyun Joo Jeon, Andrew J. Mashburn, Ellen Peisner Feinberg, Robert Pianta, Nathan Vandergrift, Nicholas Zill
págs. 558-580
Brian P. Ackerman, Carroll E. Izard, Roger Kobak, Eleanor D. Brown, Clare Smith
págs. 581-596
Parental Sensitivity and Attachment in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Comparison With Children With Mental Retardation, With Language Delays, and With Typical Development
Marinus H. van Ijzendoorn, Anna H. Rutgers, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Sophie H. N. Swinkels, Emma Van Daalen, Claudine Dietz, Fabienne B. A. Naber, Jan K. Buitelaar, Herman Van Engeland
págs. 597-608
págs. 609-621
Language and Theory of Mind: Meta-Analysis of the Relation Between Language Ability and False-belief Understanding
Karen Milligan, Janet Wilde Astington, Lisa Ain Dack
págs. 622-646
Clancy Blair, Rachel Peters Razza
págs. 647-663
Baby Carriage: Infants Walking With Loads
Jessie S. Garciaguirre, Karen E. Adolph, Patrick E. Shrout
págs. 664-680
Are There Long-Term Effects of Early Child Care?
Jay Belsky, Deborah Lowe Vandell, Margaret R. Burchinal, K. Alison Clarke-Stewart, Kathleen McCartney, Margaret Tresch Owen, The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network
págs. 681-701