Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Child Development: Contemporary Research and Future Directions
Stephen M. Quintana, Frances E. Aboud, Ruth K. Chao, Josefina Contreras Grau, William E. Cross, Cynthia Hudley, Diane Hughes, Lynn S. Liben, Sharon Nelson Le Gall, Deborah L. Vietze
págs. 1129-1141
The Legacy of Child Development's 1990 Special Issue on Minority Children: An Editorial Retrospective
Vonnie C. McLoyd
págs. 1142-1148
Revisiting the 1990 Special Issue on Minority Children: An Editorial Perspective 15 Years Later
Margaret Beale Spencer
págs. 1149-1154
Racial-Ethnic Identity in Mid-Adolescence: Content and Change as Predictors of Academic Achievement
Inna Altschul, Daphna Oyserman, Deborah Bybee
págs. 1155-1169
Perceived Discrimination and the Adjustment of African American Youths: A Five-Year Longitudinal Analysis With Contextual Moderation Effects
Gene H. Brody, Yi Fu Chen, Velma McBride Murry, Xiaojia Ge, Ronald L. Simons, Frederick X. Gibbons, Meg Gerrard, Carolyn E. Cutrona
págs. 1170-1189
Parental Interactions With Latino Infants: Variation by Country of Origin and English Proficiency
Natasha J. Cabrera, Jacqueline D. Shannon, Jerry West, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
págs. 1190-1207
Changing Children's Intergroup Attitudes Toward Refugees: Testing Different Models of Extended Contact
Lindsey Cameron, Adam Rutland, Rupert Brown, Rebecca Douch
págs. 1208-1219
Neighborhood Matters: Racial Socialization of African American Children
Margaret O'Brien Caughy, Saundra Murray Nettles, Patricia J. O'Campo, Kimberly Fraleigh Lohrfink
págs. 1220-1236
Cultural Variations in the Socialization of Young Children's Anger and Shame
Pamela M. Cole, Babu Lal Tamang, Srijana Shrestha
págs. 1237-1251
Catherine L. Costigan, Daphné P. Dokis
págs. 1252-1267
From American City to Japanese Village: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Implicit Race Attitudes
Yarrow Dunham, Andrew Scott Baron, Mahzarin R. Banaji
págs. 1268-1281
Parental Control in Latino Families: An Integrated Review of the Literature
Linda C. Halgunseth, Jean M. Ispa, Duane Rudy
págs. 1282-1297
Racial Self-Categorization in Adolescence: Multiracial Development and Social Pathways
Steven Hitlin, J. Scott Brown, Glen H. Elder Jr.
págs. 1298-1308
Carol S. Huntsinger, Paul E. Jose
págs. 1309-1324
Classroom Contextual Effects of Race on Children's Peer Nominations
Melissa Faye Jackson, Joan M. Barth, Nicole Powell, John E. Lochman
págs. 1325-1337
Lisa Kiang, Tiffany Yip, Melinda Gonzales Backen, Melissa Witkow, Andrew J. Fuligni
págs. 1338-1350
Social Cognition in Context: Validating a Cartoon-Based Attributional Measure for Urban Girls
Stephen S. Leff, Nicki R. Crick, Jennifer Angelucci, Kisha Haye, Abbas F. Jawad, Michael Grossman, Thomas J. Power
págs. 1351-1358
Immigrant Differences in School-Age Children's Verbal Trajectories: A Look at Four Racial/Ethnic Groups
Tama Leventhal, Yange Xue, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
págs. 1359-1374
Intergroup Attitudes of European American Children Attending Ethnically Homogeneous Schools
Heidi McGlothlin, Melanie Killen
págs. 1375-1386
Mothers' and Fathers' Racial Socialization in African American Families: Implications for Youth
Susan M. McHale, Ann C. Crouter, Ji Yeon Kim, Linda M. Burton, Kelly D. Davis, Aryn M. Dotterer, Dena P. Swanson
págs. 1387-1402
Longitudinal Trajectories of Ethnic Identity Among Urban Black and Latino Adolescents
Kerstin Pahl, Niobe Way
págs. 1403-1415
The Status Model of Racial Identity Development in African American Adolescents: Evidence of Structure, Trajectories, and Well-Being
Eleanor K. Seaton, Krista Maywalt Scottham, Robert M. Sellers
págs. 1416-1426
Contextual Influences on Latino Adolescent Ethnic Identity and Academic Outcomes
Andrew J. Supple, Sharon R. Ghazarian, James M. Frabutt, Scott W. Plunkett, Tovah Sands
págs. 1427-1433
págs. 1434-1445
A Window Into Different Cultural Worlds: Young Children's Everyday Activities in the United States, Brazil, and Kenya
Jonathan Tudge, Fabienne Doucet, Dolphine Odero, Tania Mara Sperb, César Augusto Piccinini, Rita S. Lopes
págs. 1446-1469
The Nature and Correlates of Mexican-American Adolescents' Time With Parents and Peers
Kimberly A. Updegraff, Susan M. McHale, Shawn D. Whiteman, Shawna M. Thayer, Ann C. Crouter
págs. 1470-1486
Developmental Trajectories of Personal and Collective Self-Concept Among American Indian Adolescents
Nancy Rumbaugh Whitesell, Christina M. Mitchell, Carol E. Kaufman, Paul Spicer, The Voices of Indian Teens Project Team
págs. 1487-1503
African American Racial Identity Across the Lifespan: Identity Status, Identity Content, and Depressive Symptoms
Tiffany Yip, Eleanor K. Seaton, Robert M. Sellers
págs. 1504-1517
págs. 1518-1520