Mental computation or standard algorithm? Children's strategy choices on multi-digit subtractions
Joke Torbeyns, Lieven Verschaffel
págs. 99-116
Children's use of number line estimation strategies
Dominique Peeters, Tine Degrande, Mirjam Ebersbach, Lieven Verschaffel, Koen Luwel
págs. 117-134
Investigating a case of hidden misinterpretations of an additive word problem: Structural substitution
Elena Polotskaia, Annie Savard, Viktor Freiman
págs. 135-153
Concurrent and longitudinal predictors of calculation skills in preschoolers
Valentina Tobia, Paola Bonifacci, Gian Marco Marzocchi
págs. 155-174
Early word decoding ability as a longitudinal predictor of academic performance
Thomas Nordström, Christer Jacobson, Pernilla Söderberg
págs. 175-191
Lucie Hernandez, Nathalie Oubrayrie-Roussel, Yves Preteur
págs. 193-207
Students' adoption of course-specific approaches to learning in two parallel courses
Maria Öhrstedt, Petra Lindfors
págs. 209-223
Accuracy of teachers' tracking decisions:: short- and long-term effects of accountability
Ineke Pit-ten Cate, Sabine Krolak-Schwerdt, Sabine Glock
págs. 225-243
Boon and bane of being sure:: The effect of performance certainty and expectancy on task performance
Simon Schindler, Marc-André Reinhard, Oliver Dickhäuser
págs. 245-253
Breaking the cycle:: A phenomenological approach to broadening access to post-secondary education
Carmel Cefai, Paul Downes, Valeria Cavioni
págs. 255-274