Educational settings as interwoven socio-material orderings: An introduction
Michalis Kontopodis, Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont
págs. 1-12
How a young child learns how to take part in mealtimes in a Japanese day-care center: A longitudinal case study
Hiroaki Ishiguro
págs. 13-27
Research and the young child in India: Shifting from alienation to adaptability using an expanded framework
Nandita Chaudhary, Punya Pillai
págs. 29-42
ADHD medication and social self-understanding: Social practice research with a first grade in a Danish Primary School
Karen-Lis Kristensen, Line Lerche MØrck
págs. 43-59
Two Mazahua (Mexican) communities: Introducing a collective orientation into everyday school life
Ruth Paradise, Adriana Robles Valle
págs. 61-77
Nathalie Muller Mirza, Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont
págs. 79-93