Noelia Bonfanti, Alberto Lorenzo Calvo
págs. 9-12
Analysis of training tasks regarding game stages and situations in U´10 and U´13 categories
María Cañadas Alonso, Carlos Solbes, Sebastián Feu Molina
págs. 13-15
Heart rate analysis of high level basketball players during training sessions
Rubén Dehesa, Alejandro Vaquera Jiménez, J.V. García-Tormo, Paula Bayón
págs. 17-19
Perception of effort in minibasketball during small side games
Sebastián Feu Molina, Antonio Carrillo, Maite Fuentes Azpiroz, Ignacio Refoyo, Julio Calleja González
págs. 21-25
Influence of chronological age in the selection of players into the national basketball teams
Alejandro García, Sergio Jiménez Saiz, Alberto Lorenzo Calvo, Ignacio Diez Vega
págs. 27-30
Juan Manuel García Manso, Juan Manuel Martín González, Yves De Saá Guerra, Teresa Valverde, Sergio Jiménez Saiz
págs. 31-35
Analysis of shooting effectiveness in elite basketball according to match status
Miguel Ángel Gómez Ruano, Francisco Alarcón López, Enrique Ortega Toro
págs. 37-41
Achievement and competitiveness in elite youth basketball: what matters?
Carlos Gonçalves, Humberto M. Carvalho, Ângela Gonçalves
págs. 43-45
Sergio José Ibáñez Godoy, Adrián Jiménez, Antonio Antúnez Medina
págs. 47-50
Making profiles in boys and girls playing basketball
Ana Concepción Jiménez Sánchez, Gema Ortega Vila, Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra, Francisco Javier Castejón Oliva
págs. 51-53
Dual career motivation and athletic identity on elite athletes
Cristina López de Subijana Hernández, María Isabel Barriopedro Moro, Isabel Sanz
págs. 55-57
Is there a model of expert coach speech during the competition?
Jorge Lorenzo Calvo, Jesús Rivilla García, Rafael Manuel Navarro Barragán
págs. 59-63
Incidence of type of game mode in player participation in minibasket
Sergio Martínez Fernández, Javier García, Sergio José Ibáñez Godoy
págs. 65-68
Raúl Martínez de Santos Gorostiaga, Asier Los Arcos Larumbe, Luismari Sautu
págs. 69-72
Nuno Mateus, Sara Santos, Luís Vaz, Isabel Cristina Gómes, Nuno M. Leite
págs. 73-76
Performance variability in basketball players with intellectual impairment: Ankara World Championships 2013 analysis
Javier Pinilla Arbex, Javier Pérez Tejero, Debbie Van Biesen, Yves C. Vanlandewijck
págs. 77-83
José Antonio Rebollo González, Celestina Vizcaíno Domínguez, Pedro Sáenz-López Buñuel, Eduardo José Fernández Ozcorta
págs. 85-87
The influence of previous sport experiences in transfer of behaviour patterns among team sports
Sara Santos, Nuno Mateus, Bruno Gonçalves, Alexandra Silva, Jaime E. Sampaio, Nuno M. Leite
págs. 89-92
Enrique Ortega Toro, Francisco Alarcón López, Miguel Ángel Gómez Ruano
págs. 93-96