School adjustment among Spanish adolescents: influence of parental socialization
María del Castillo Fuentes Duran, Antonio Alarcón, Enrique Gracia, José Fernando García Pérez
págs. 1-32
Miguel Ángel Pertegal Vega, Alfredo Oliva Delgado, Ángel Hernando Gómez
págs. 33-63
Carolina Iturra Herrera, Javier Rosales Pardo
págs. 64-92
David Aparisi Sierra, Cándido J. Inglés Saura, José Manuel García Fernández, Mari Carmen Martínez Monteagudo, Juan Carlos Marzo Campos, Estefanía Estévez López
págs. 93-124
págs. 125-157
Children�s perceptions of bullying among peers through the use of graphic representation
Eva María Romera Félix, Sacri Rodríguez Barbero, Rosario Ortega Ruiz
págs. 158-185
The longitudinal effect of the Aprender a Convivir (learning to live together) programme in childhood: the development of social competence
Guadalupe Alba Corredor, María Fernández Cabezas, Fernando Justicia Justicia, María del Carmen Pichardo Martínez
págs. 186-220
Digital resources in the family-school relationship during the 0�3 stage
Irene Sánchez Garrote
págs. 221-233