Sadness shifts to anxiety over time and distance from the national tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.
Bruce Doré, Leonard Ort, Ofir Braverman, Kevin N. Ochsner
págs. 363-373
Anticipating divine protection? Reminders of God can increase nonmoral risk taking.
Daniella M. Kupor, Kristin Laurin, Jonathan Levav
págs. 374-384
Bogus visual feedback alters onset of movement-evoked pain in people with neck pain.
Daniel S. Harvie, Markus Broecker, Ross T. Smith, Ann Meulders, Victoria J. Madden, G. Lorimer Moseley
págs. 385-392
A lack of experience-dependent plasticity after more than a decade of recovered sight
Elizabeth Huber, Jason M. Webster, Alyssa A. Brewer, Donald I. A. MacLeod, Brian A. Wandell, Geoffrey M. Boynton, Alex R. Wade, Ione Fine
págs. 393-401
págs. 402-412
Perceptions of U.S. social mobility are divided (and distorted) along ideological lines.
John R. Chambers, Lawton K. Swan, Martin Heesacker
págs. 413-423
págs. 424-432
Joshua K. Hartshorne, Laura T. Germine
págs. 433-443
Aggressive-antisocial boys develop into physically strong young men.
Joshua D. Isen, William G. Iacono, Matthew K. McGue
págs. 444-455
Improving vision among older adults: : Behavioral training to improve sight.
Denton J. DeLoss, Takeo Watanabe, George J. Andersen
págs. 456-466
págs. 467-474
págs. 475-483
págs. 484-489
Bilingualism modulates infants’ selective attention to the mouth of a talking face.
Ferrán Pons, Laura Bosch Galceran, David J. Lewkowicz
págs. 490-498
Young children show the bystander effect in helping situations.
Maria Plötner, Harriet Over, Malinda Carpenter, Michael Tomasello
págs. 499-506
Body weight misperception in adolescence and incident obesity in young adulthood.
Angelina R. Sutin, Antonio Terracciano
págs. 507-511
Illusory feature slowing: : Evidence for perceptual models of global facial change
Richard Cook, Clarisse Aichelburg, Alan Johnston
págs. 512-517
Two languages, two minds: : Flexible cognitive processing driven by language of operation.
Panos Athanasopoulos, Emanuel Bylund, Guillermo Montero-Melis, Ljubica Damjanovic, Alina Schartner, Alexandra Kibbe, Nick Riches, Guillaume Thierry
págs. 518-526
Income inequality and status seeking: : Searching for positional goods in unequal U.S. states.
Lukasz Walasek, Gordon D. A. Brown
págs. 527-533
Does entering adulthood in a recession affect narcissism? Robust evidence is still needed.
Jason Fletcher
págs. 534-536
Emily C. Bianchi
págs. 537-538
Relevant and robust: : A response to Marcus and Davis (2013).
Noah D. Goodman, Michael C. Frank, Thomas L. Griffiths, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Peter W. Battaglia, Jessica B. Hamrick
págs. 539-541
Still searching for principles: : A response to Goodman et al. (2015).
Gary F. Marcus, Ernest Davis
págs. 542-544
In defense of position uncertainty: : A reply to Duñabeitia, Orihuela, and Carreiras (2014).
Manuel Perea Lara, Heather Winskel, Reem Abu Mallouh, Lydia Barnes, Pablo Gomez
págs. 545-547
The impact of literacy on position uncertainty.
Jon Andoni Duñabeitia, Marie Lallier, Pedro M. Paz-Alonso, Manuel Francisco Carreiras Valiña
págs. 548-550
Erratum: : Action-specific disruption of perceptual confidence.
págs. 551-551
Corrigendum: : Life paths and accomplishments of mathematically precocious males and females four decades later.
págs. 552-553
Corrigendum: : The unforeseen costs of extraordinary experience
págs. 554-554