Adolescents’ and their friends’ sexual behavior and intention: : Selection effects of personality dimensions
Laura Baams, Geertjan Overbeek, Daphne van de Bongardt, Ellen Reitz, Judith Semon Dubas, Marcel A. G. van Aken
págs. 2-12
State of the aRt personality research: : A tutorial on network analysis of personality data in R
Giulio Costantini, Sacha Epskamp, Denny Borsboom, Marco Perugini, René Mõttus, Lourens J. Waldorp, Angélique O.J. Cramer
págs. 13-29
Occupational segregation and psychological gender differences: : How empathizing and systemizing help explain the distribution of men and women into (some) occupations
Daniel B. Wright, Asia A. Eaton, Elin Skagerberg
págs. 30-39
The comprehensive approach to analyzing multivariate constructs
Ryne A. Sherman, David G. Serfass
págs. 40-50
Observer judgmental accuracy of personality: : Benefits related to being a good (normative) judge
Tera D. Letzring
págs. 51-60
Identification of the healthy neurotic: Personality traits predict smoking after disease onset: : Personality traits predict smoking after disease onset
Sara J. Weston, Joshua J. Jackson
págs. 61-69