Grateful recounting enhances subjective well-being: : The importance of grateful processing
Philip C. Watkins, Jens Uhder, Stan Pichinevskiy
págs. 91-98
Gratitude and PTSD symptoms among Israeli youth exposed to missile attacks: : examining the mediation of positive and negative affect and life satisfaction
Yael Israel-Cohen, Florina Uzefovsky, Gabriela Kashy-Rosenbaum, Oren Kaplan
págs. 99-106
Doors opening: : A mechanism for growth after adversity
Ann Marie Roepke, Martin E. P. Seligman
págs. 107-115
Authenticity and self-esteem across temporal horizons
William E. Davis, Joshua A. Hicks, Rebecca J. Schlegel, Christina M. Smith, Matthew Vess
págs. 116-126
Kathryn E. Williams, Joseph Ciarrochi, Patrick C.L. Heaven
págs. 127-140
A psycho-social system approach to well-being: : Empirically deriving the Five Domains of Positive Functioning
Reuben D. Rusk, Lea Waters
págs. 141-152
Laura E. Labelle, Linette Lawlor-Savage, Tavis S. Campbel, Peter Faris, Linda E. Carlson
págs. 153-166
Revisiting desirable response bias in well-being reports
Samantha J. Heintzelman, Jason Trent, Laura A. King
págs. 167-178
Gender differences in the person-activity fit for positive psychology interventions
R. Bruce Thompson, Christine Peura, William F. Gayton
págs. 179-183