Lisa N. Vroman, Sharon L. Lo, C. Emily Durbin
págs. 6-12
Extraverts categorize their daily experiences by specific social relationships
William Tov, Kelly Koh
págs. 13-19
Timo Gnambs
págs. 20-28
Predicting school success: : Comparing Conscientiousness, Grit, and Emotion Regulation Ability
Zorana Ivcevic, Marc Brackett
págs. 29-36
Michael C. Ashton, Alyssa C. Pilkington, Kibeom Lee
págs. 42-46
Cross-rater agreement on common and specific variance of personality scales and items
René Mõttus, Robert R. McCrae, Jüri Allik, Anu Realo
págs. 47-54
págs. 55-67
The conscientious retiree: : The relationship between conscientiousness, retirement, and volunteering
Anissa Mike, Joshua J. Jackson, Thomas F. Oltmanns
págs. 68-77
Joshua D. Foster, Peter K. Jonason, Ilan Shrira, W. Keith Campbell, Levi K. Shiverdecker
págs. 78-90