A methodological review of research on the antecedents and consequences of workplace harassment.
Annabelle M. Neall, Michelle R. Tuckey
págs. 225-257
Ray Randall, Madeleine Wyatt, Ray Randall
págs. 258-279
Job scope, affective commitment, and turnover: the moderating role of growth need strength
Mahmood Shafeie Zargar, Christian Vandenberghe, Catherine Marchand, Ahmed Khalil Ben Ayed
págs. 280-302
Applying the job demands-resources model to migrant workers: : Exploring how and when geographical distance increases quit propensity
Xin Qin, Peter Hom, Minya Xu, Dong Ju
págs. 303-328
The building blocks of job insecurity: : The impact of environmental and person-related variables on job insecurity perceptions
Maike E. Debus, Cornelius J. König, Martin Kleinmann
págs. 329-351
A moderated mediation analysis of job demands, presenteeism, and absenteeism
Stephen Deery, Janet Walsh, Christopher D. Zatzick
págs. 352-369
Spiritual resources and work engagement among religious workers: : A three-wave longitudinal study.
Grant R. Bickerton, Maureen H. Miner, Martin Dowson, Barbara Griffin
págs. 370-391
The wisdom of letting go and performance: : The moderating role of emotional intelligence and discrete emotions
Janaki Gooty, Mark B. Gavin, Neal M. Ashkanasy, Jane S. Thomas
págs. 392-412
Team work engagement: : A model of emergence
Patrícia L. Costa, Ana Margarida Passos, Arnold B. Bakker
págs. 414-436