Improving students' long-term knowledge retention through personalized review
Robert V. Lindsey, Jeffery D. Shroyer, Harold Pashler, Michael C. Mozer
págs. 639-647
Tainted altruism: : when doing some good is evaluated as worse than doing no good at all
George E. Newman, Daylian M. Cain
págs. 648-655
Gossip and ostracism promote cooperation in groups
Matthew Feinberg, Robb Willer, Michael Schultz
págs. 656-664
Neighborhood ethnic diversity and trust: : the role of intergroup contact and perceived threat
Katharina Schmid, Ananthi Al Ramiah, Miles Hewstone
págs. 665-674
Feeling the conflict: : the crucial role of conflict experience in adaptation
Kobe Desender, Filip Van Opstal, Eva Van den Bussche
págs. 675-683
Mismatch or Cumulative Stress: : The Pathway to Depression Is Conditional on Attention Style
Esther Nederhof, Johan Ormel, Albertine J. Oldehinkel
págs. 684-692
Improvement in spatial imagery following sight onset late in childhood.
Tapan K. Gandhi, Suma Ganesh, Pawan Sinha
págs. 693-701
págs. 702-710
Racial bias shapes social reinforcement learning
Björn Lindström, Ida Selbing, Tanaz Molapour, Andreas Olsson
págs. 711-719
Catching eyes: : effects of social and nonsocial cues on attention capture
Anne Böckler, Robrecht P. R. D. van der Wel, Timothy N. Welsh
págs. 720-727
"That's not just beautiful-that's incredibly beautiful!": : the adverse impact of inflated praise on children with low self-esteem.
Eddie Brummelman, Sander Thomaes, Bram Orobio de Castro, Geertjan Overbeek, Brad J. Bushman
págs. 728-735
Cognitive skills, student achievement tests, and schools
Amy S. Finn, Matthew A. Kraft, Martin R. West, Julia A. Leonard, Crystal E. Bish
págs. 736-744
Optical origins of opposing facial expression actions
Daniel H. Lee, Reza Mirza, John G. Flanagan, Adam K. Anderson
págs. 745-752
Assessing "economic value": : symbolic-number mappings predict risky and riskless valuations
Dan R. Schley, Ellen Peters
págs. 753-761
Geographical differences in subjective well-being predict extraordinary altruism
Kristin M. Brethel-Haurwitz, Abigail A. Marsh
págs. 762-771
Staying the course: : the option of doing nothing and its impact on postchoice persistence
Rom Y. Schrift, Jeffrey R. Parker
págs. 772-780
K. Andrew DeSoto, Henry L. Roediger
págs. 781-788
Children's arithmetic development: : it is number knowledge, not the approximate number sense, that counts
Silke M. Göbel, Sarah E. Watson, Arne Lervåg, Charles Hulme
págs. 789-798
Two faces of shame: : the roles of shame and guilt in predicting recidivism
June P. Tangney, Jeffrey Stuewig, Andres G. Martinez
págs. 799-805
Judging a man by the width of his face: : the role of facial ratios and dominance in mate choice at speed-dating events.
Katherine A. Valentine, Norman P. Li, Lars Penke, David I. Perrett
págs. 806-811
Biased predecisional processing of leading and nonleading alternatives
Simon J. Blanchard, Kurt A. Carlson, Margaret G. Meloy
págs. 812-816
The attentional blink reveals the probabilistic nature of discrete conscious perception.
Christopher L. Asplund, Daryl Fougnie, Samir Zughni, Justin W. Martin, René Marois
págs. 814-831
The scent of disease: : human body odor contains an early chemosensory cue of sickness
Mats J. Olsson, Johan N. Lundström, Bruce A. Kimball, Amy R. Gordon, Bianka Karshikoff
págs. 817-823
The attentional blink reveals the probabilistic nature of discrete conscious perception
Christopher L. Asplund, Daryl Fougnie, Samir Zughni, Justin W. Martin, René Marois
págs. 824-831
Infants are not sensitive to synesthetic cross-modality correspondences: : a comment on walker et al. (2010)
David J. Lewkowicz, Nicholas J. Minar
págs. 832-834
Preverbal infants are sensitive to cross-sensory correspondences: : much ado about the null results of Lewkowicz and Minar (2014).
Peter Walker, J. Gavin Bremner, Uschi Mason, Jo Spring, Karen Mattock
págs. 835-836
Treating prejudice with imagery: : easier said than done?
Melissa M. McDonald, M. Brent Donnellan, Ryan Lang, Katie Nikolajuk
págs. 837-839
Reducing prejudice through mental imagery: : notes on replication, interpretation, and generalization
Richard J. Crisp, Michèle D. Birtel
págs. 840-841
págs. 842-843
págs. 843-844