págs. 185-195
Creativity, visualization abilities, and visual cognitive style
Maria Kozhevnikov, Michael Kozhevnikov, Chen Jiao Yu, Olesya Blazhenkova
págs. 196-209
págs. 210-224
págs. 225-237
Differential use of learning strategies in first-year higher education: The impact of personality, academic motivation, and teaching strategies
Vincent Donche, Sven De Maeyer, Liesje Coertjens, Tine Van Daal, Peter Van Petegem
págs. 238-251
The developmental trajectory of perceived self-regulation, personal interest, and general achievement throughout high school: A longitudinal study
Laura Helle, Eero Laakkonen, Tiina Tuijula, Jan D. Vermunt
págs. 252-266
The disposition to understand for oneself at university: Integrating learning processes with motivation and metacognition
Noel Entwistle, Velda McCune
págs. 267-279
University and student segmentation: Multilevel latent-class analysis of students' attitudes towards research methods and statistics
Rüdiger Mutz, Hans-Dieter Daniel
págs. 280-304
Vocational interests of intellectually gifted and highly achieving young adults
Miriam Vock, Olaf Köller, Gabriel Nagy
págs. 305-328
Felicidad T. Villavicencio, Allan B. I. Bernardo
págs. 329-340