Strategies for dealing with the diversity-validity dilemma in personnel selection: Where are we and where should we go?
Britt De Soete, Celina Druart, Filip Lievens
págs. 3-12
Andreja Wirza, Klaus G. Melchers, Filip Lievens, Wilfried De Corte, Martin Kleinmanna
págs. 13-20
Nuno Rodrigues, Teresa Rebelo
págs. 21-27
Predicting the dynamic criteria of basketball players: The influence of the ?Big Five?, job experience, and motivation
Pedro J. Ramos Villagrasa, Antonio León García Izquierdo, José Navarro Cid
págs. 29-35
What friends tell you about justice: The influence of peer communication on applicant reactions
Brigitte Geenena, Karin Proost, Bert Schreurs, Karen van Dam, Jasper von Grumbkowa
págs. 37-44