Treatment of drug addiction and psychopathology: a field study
Manuel Isorna Folgar, Luis Fernández Ríos, Antonio José Souto Gestal
págs. 3-18
Prediction of cannabis and cocaine use in adolescence using decision trees and logistic regression
Elena Gervilla García, Alfonso Luis Palmer Pol
págs. 19-35
Adolescent witnesses in cases of teen dating violence: an analysis of peer responses
Josefa Ruiz Romero, Francisca Expósito, Helena Bonache Recio
págs. 37-53
New advances in the study of the confidence-accuracy relationship in the memory for events
Karlos Luna, Beatriz Martín Luengo
págs. 55-71
Impression management strategies of deceivers and honest reporters in an investigative interview
Amber Hines, Kevin Colwell, Cheryl Hiscock-Anisman, Erika Garrett, Ryan Ansarra, Larissa Montalvo
págs. 73-90