A social desirability scale for the MMPI-2: which ot the two : Wiggins (WSD) or Edwards (ESD)?
Fernando Jiménez Gómez, María Guadalupe Sánchez Crespo, Cristina Tobón
págs. 147-163
Norms in social representations: two studies with french young drivers
Sandrine Gaymard
págs. 165-181
Implication degree and delay on recall of events: an experimental and HDV study
Antonio Lucas Manzanero Puebla, Sofián El-Astal, Javier Aróztegui Vélez
págs. 183-203
Homicide and domestic violence: are there different psychological profiles mediated by previous violence exerted on the victim?
Miguel Ángel Soria Verde, Immaculada Armadans Tremolosa, Mª Rosa Viñas, Montserrat Yepes i Baldó
págs. 205-220
Discriminating real victims from feigners of psychological injury in gender violence: validating a protocol for forensic settings
Manuel Vilariño Vázquez, Francisca Fariña Rivera, Ramón Arce Fernández
págs. 221-243