Early detection and intervention in psychosis: the state of the art
Emiliano Fernández Vallina, Serafín Lemos Giráldez, Purificación Fernández Iglesias
págs. 1-23
Secondary prevention of depression in primary care
Sara González González, Concepción Fernández Rodríguez, Jorge Pérez Rodríguez, Isaac Amigo Vázquez
págs. 24-32
The state of the psychological contract and its relation to employees'psychological health.
Francisco Javier Gracía Lerín, Inmaculada Silla, José María Peiró Silla, Lina Fortes Ferreira
págs. 33-41
Kinship foster care: a study from the perspective of the caregivers, the children and the child welfare workers.
Carme Montserrat Boada
págs. 42-52
Why do people change in therapy? a preliminary study
María Xesús Froxán Parga, Montserrat Montaño Fidalgo, Ana Calero Elvira
págs. 53-60
Social order and mental health: a social wellbeing approach
Amalio Blanco Abarca, Darío Díaz Méndez
págs. 61-71
The psychosocial profile of the university entrepreneur
Juan Antonio Moriano León, Francisco José Palací Descals, José Francisco Morales Domínguez
págs. 72-84
The moerating role of assertiveness and social anxiety in workplace bullying: two empirical studies
Bernardo Moreno Jiménez, Alfredo Rodríguez Muñoz, Ynomig Moreno López, Eva Garrosa Hernández
págs. 85-94
Santiago Redondo Illescas, Eulalia Luque, Juan Carlos Navarro, Marían Martínez
págs. 95-105
María Dolores Calero García, Elena Navarro González
págs. 106-112